Please take what resonates and discard the rest.
In the realm of 3D and 4D we fixed suffering as best we could through MIND THOUGHT, exchange of WORDS to others, verbal agreements, or physical practical applications of drugs, and or physical surgery on the human body.
In giving a higher (hertz) vibrational CONSCIOUS Presence to any physical, mental or emotional pain, we can dissolve the experience of ‘suffering’. I say this through experiences of dissolving all three types within me as they arise.
We individually always move in and out of dimensional energetic frequencies all the time. In other words our frequency is always fluctuating in the FLOW of the dimensional lighted design here, made of Source.
Some… who are here to help with many types of ‘suffering’ in the kingdoms including humanity, learn in their 7D-12D CONSCIOUSNESS, to work with the INTERNAL and ETERNAL energy we are all always connected to. At that consciousness state (very conscious but without form) we become CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF, as energy.
We can then immerse into energy, to then consciously TRANFORM and thus dissolve a ‘suffering’. We learn (as the human) to do this for ourselves first, we learn how it works, to then be able to give that HEALING to others in the timelines AHEAD (not right now).
At this CURRENT TIMELINE of immense energetic flux, designed by God to ultimately empower each to what they are, we know the greatest thing we can each do, is to SIMPLY allow every ONE, their experiences NOW, their own journey NOW. For in non intervention, each WILL absolutely find their way through themselves. This is how they empower; they empower themselves via this timeline and journeying through it SEPTEMBER through to DECEMBER 2021.
They’ve designed their route. To honour each their path chosen at SOUL LEVEL, is to allow each their journey through. Allow them to empower. Trust they will. None interference of their chosen route of THEIR empowerment. So to be just be the observer, emitting ENERGY of LOVE frequency. Right now there is no one to fix, but later people will know of HIGHER ENERGETIC HEALING and align to someone that has grown into those abilities.
Each will come through AT THEIR PACE, by THEIR design, or if chosen, exit to the next Soul experience outside of this planet. Some (not all) of the millions that stay will have shock and be in various kinds of ‘suffering’. That will be the time to assist with CONSCIOUS ENERGETIC HEALING abilities IF… their soul is aligned to your soul, so a frequency aligns to your frequency, in other words, their ‘door’ has THEN been opened, by their own self.
Stay true to YOUR Soul, that is LOVE, and kindness. The SOUL doesn’t interfere with either their own overlay (personality) or another’s. SOUL is LOVE frequency connected to the SOURCE.
One Love
Amanda Lorence
18 September 2021