woensdag 4 augustus 2021

We have entered the week of the Lions Gate portal ~ Celia Fenn

We have entered the week of the Lions Gate portal.
8/8 on Sunday 8th August.

Powerful energies are flowing!
We are emerging as New Earth Humans and feeling the shifts and changes in our Energy Systems and within our DNA.

The Original Template for the Human Angel is reactivating and we are evolving into a new creation on a new timeline.

It is so important that, in this week, we hold that vision.
Do not be distracted by the chaos and confusion on the lower levels.
Do not be pulled away by other dramas and conflicts.

Do not allow attachments to the past or expectations of the future to move you away from this Sacred moment of NOW.

Together, as a Family of Light, we can transit the Lions Gate Portal and anchor the highest expression of the New Earth timeline!

We got this!