vrijdag 20 augustus 2021

"FULL MOON, August 22, 2021 ~ AUSPICIOUS EXPANSION" ~ L' Aura Pleiadian


Hello everyone! Welcome to the unfolding of your consciousness as your GOD self! Here we have a Full Moon coming up as a culmination of a cycle and potential rebirth on Sunday August 22, 2021 at 9:02 am ADT.

This FULL MOON like all moments is processed and experienced UNIQUELY through your frequency.

Recently I have been studying ASTROLOGY based on the actual constellations in the sky, which ends up being very different than the classical Western Astrology.
I will share more on that soon!

So remember this FULL MOON is 100 percent unique to you.
Where you are at, what your life focus is and has been.
And whether or not your BLUEPRINT is harmonious to these exact degrees and frequencies of this FULL MOON.

For the most part, since Jupiter is aspecting this FULL MOON there will be some sort of expansion in your life. This depends on what your BLUEPRINT is and the interactions that take place with it in your natal chart.
Jupiter the planet of expansion of spiritual growth, financial growth, fortune and personal growth on many levels. Now this does not always work out how one thinks or hopes it will. MORE like it does how it is anyway.

If you were never to read this and later after this FULL MOON look back say in one months time you MAY key word is MAY notice where the expansion took place either in your personal life or in the world.

So this may or may not impact YOU personally. DEFINITELY for some of you it WILL.

This FULL MOON is in Aquarius and is a culmination since the last NEW MOON of manifestation of that New Beginning.

This Full Moon in Aquarius is conjunct Jupiter, the planet of benefit and expansion.

The Sun being OPPOSITE the Moon is therefore Opposite Jupiter, so therefore things may back fire especially if your focus has been more selfish and self serving and not for spiritual growth.

Venus trine Saturn and Mars trine Uranus brings potential opportunities for love and sudden changes. AGAIN and this is the critical thing to be aware of; this depends on several things. Your Blueprint, your life plan for this incarnation, and how you are living either in harmonious flow through your heart and potentially how much fear you have to still face to live in your Heart MORE.

Living in your heart is the Harmonious way of Being. A coherency that signals clearly all that you are aligned with at the harmony SOUL/Heart Love level.

So either way, as much as possible let go of attempting to control things. Live in your heart and through your heart. LET YOUR heart expand in all moments.

Live as the God Self you eternally are NOW.

Then and in all moments this will and always does no matter what unfold perfectly for you and you may just receive the AUSPICIOUS EXPANSION YOUR SOUL desires for YOU. All now and in eternal love and bliss, always. Blessing you now! With The Divine Council of Overseers.

In love always,

L' Aura Pleiadian