dinsdag 3 augustus 2021

Energy Update ~ Judith Kusel

Immensely powerful activations and shifts are pouring in and with it a huge vamping up of all our energy systems, which works with our meridians and thus all which is attached to the spinal column.

With the lower body, that of the Old Earth, and all the fear based, survival mode, the old predator and prey programming, are being released, and add to this lack and poverty consciousness. With it the negative energetic cords, ties, bonds, etc. and very low usage of the sexual energy – sexual abuse, etc. Add to this materialism, and all the negative connotations thereof, all which polluted the earth and stripped her of her energy resources etc.

We need to indeed release the lower body now, and fully assume the higher light body form for
the new earth. Thus here is fusion of the lower chakras now with the heart as well.
I was made aware this morning of the intensity of this release. This another layer of the woes of humankind being lifted and indeed dissembling, for those who truly wish to release this. Many will not, for they are still caught in the lower body, and thus choose to stay there, yet this is disintegrating with the Old Earth.

More, that this the Fires of Illumination from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, are now pouring in via Sirius, and indeed this is a massive and intensive. It is unlike anything we have ever known before. The Fires of Illumination, indeed work with purification in the highest degrees, with the White Flame now fully returned, and indeed this illuminates the Higher Heart and Higher Mind, marrying them, as the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are now balancing each other out and moving into the Bridal Chamber, where the sacred union of the Two, ignite the Holy Spirit, the Shekinah. This is bringing an outpouring the Holy Fires onto humanity at large, and this will result in immense and dramatic changes.

Changes, changes, changes.
More than this, the Keys and Codes of the New Earth, are being downloaded via the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, and this is bringing in Unity Consciousness, but more than this the Illumination of the SOUL.

Indeed, those souls who now ascend and have ascended into the new Earth, will remember the truth of who and what they are, at SOUL level, and start living this to the fullest with great love and devotion, AS ONE with the Divine.
The Power of Love, Divine Love is now being amplified and it is this Power which moves through the Sacred Heart and indeed not Sanctifies and activates the Higher Mind, and thus now, the balance is fully returned.

The old Patriarchy is no more. As much as some try desperately to keep the control they once had, they cannot succeed.
Indeed, Planet Earth has agreed a long time ago, that it chooses to Ascend, and indeed she has, and thus all humanity needs to ascend and those who indeed do not wish to do so, will simply not move into the New Earth. I was told this a long time ago, and it is now truly happening.

Indeed, this is a time of intense Illumination.
Illumination here means the rise into the Spirituality – the Divine Filling with Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Power, Divine Wisdom, Divine Omnipresence, the Divine Omnipotence, Divine Omniscience, and each will experience this to the degree that they are willing to open themselves to this.

It goes far beyond the old religions and all they ever stood for.
Get ready for take off as this shift now intensifies, as it has never been before!
Change, Change, change.

Be flexible.
Bend, move, become like water and air – flow.
This unlike anything we ever encountered or experienced before, and it is going to intensify.
We are being lifted beyond the known, into the totally unknown!
And yet, there lies the blessing!

What a time to experience all of this!
I rejoice!

Judith Kusel
Photo: Sources Unknown. If you know the Sources please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the Source.