maandag 23 augustus 2021

Energy Update ~ Denise Le Fay

Friday, August 20, 2021, I finally felt the release from the negative influences that have been battling around inside my physical body and awareness for the past two weeks of August. The entire month of August 2021 really but extremely so and very obviously since 8-8. I woke up yesterday morning and felt that delightful sensation in my body of physical and energetic relaxation indicating that this latest battle—and it was a serious battle—had finally ended and we’d moved another big step forward. But holy crap! WTF! That was the worst Team Dark negative beating battle struggle I’ve had in years. How about you?

And you thought it’d be easy to just saunter on out of where humanity has been throughout this long Dark Ages cycle. August 2021 taught us differently, and if this month has beat the hell out of you as it has me, then you’re still a bit fragile, weakened, and more wobbly at the moment than you’d like. Heal your recent battle wounds and release your varied traumas of having lived, fought and energetically Worked your way through whatever all it was for you personally this August of 2021. Rest and recover and prepare for more whatever that we all know is right around the next ascension corner. But know that this one was a huge deal individually and for humanity and cosmically. We’ll celebrate later, for now it’s back to the ascension grindstone.

Can you tell when you are under the influence of something or someone nonphysical and negative? Do you honestly know your own thoughts and thinking process and how you have them so thoroughly that you can detect when a negative foreign alien something or someone is injecting negative thoughts into your consciousness? Are you honestly aware of when this happens to you?

I already know the answer to those questions and for the majority it’s a terrifying NO.

In my August 16, 2021 article Recent Increase In Fears, I said —
“Because all of humanity is not functioning on or perceiving from or aware of everything from the same level of consciousness, this fear, these fears are coming from different people worldwide for different reasons. Keep this in heartmind while considering this information please. Remember that these current fears coming from humanity now are layers and layers of fears about different issues and events that are piling up on each other in Phase 2 of the Ascension Process.”

For those a little or a lot more advanced and experienced with negativity, negative aliens, mind control, and negative attacks in general than the unaware human masses, for some of us it’s not fear that works on us anymore so other tactics are used. In this case I’m talking about how I very recently became aware that I was, once again, under the influence of some negative nonphysical alien(s)—aka Team Dark—doing its best to inject (yes I used that word on purpose) negative thoughts into my consciousness.

Those negative injected alien virus thoughts were strong mental suggestions for me to murder large numbers of human strangers. When those injected negative thoughts didn’t pan out for them they replaced them with injected negative thoughts about it being time for me to die now; about how my body is sick and damaged; about how I should ‘Let myself die and exit my physical body now’. There are nonphysical viruses too and these examples I experienced in August 2021 are only some of many the negatives use on Volunteers and humans.

Because most of these negative nonphysical aliens and other entities know I can clairvoyantly See them, can clairaudiently Hear them, can easily Feel them and do not fear them, they use different tactics to attempt to influence me. What easily works on other people no longer works on me which is why other tactics are used on me and certain other Volunteers that they try to sneak up on so they’re not detected by us for as long as they can get away with.

The most common way they do this I’ve found over these many ascension years has been to try to inject certain thoughts into my consciousness. Remember that ‘The real war is over human consciousness’. It’s deeply true and in about every way and every level you can imagine. Welcome to the AIR (consciousness, thoughts, thinking, Higher Awareness, low consciousness groupthink) Age of Aquarius humanity.

I received this email from Barbara N. the morning of August 19, 2021. She gave me permission to quote it here for all our benefits. Thank you Barbara N.

“Morning Denise,
This is a Wellness check, was sitting on my porch this morning @ 3:33 thinking about You and just letting my mind kinda wonder, and I got a ‘creepy’ feeling pass thru me around your name, well I assume it was around You…so if you would be kind enough to just send me an ‘I’m OK’ I’d appreciate it…Gratitude Hugs, Barbara.” — August 19, 2021

I was very grateful to her for sensing and trusting her awareness enough to follow through and check in with me because I have been under the influence of negative nonphysical Team Dark attacks much of August 2021 and she did not know that.

Some of you reading this have most likely also been under the influence of Team Dark attacks and attempts to derail you, exhaust you, suppression, interference, depression, wear you down into physical immovability, mental and physical stupor, attempts to manipulate you into doing something you would never do and so on. Said crudely and simply but honestly, we’ve been fucked with again for much of August 2021 by the negative Service To Self side that do not want anything or anyone to evolve and improve now.

The physical level is not the only one where negative things are injected or attempted to be injected into living humans. We are multidimensional beings and we’re now in the end game of the Ascension Process and Separation of Worlds and physical level CHANGEOVER from old patriarchal Duality reality Earth to ascending Triality NEW Earth. Because we are multidimensional beings we also have been attacked from negative nonphysical nonhuman aliens and same frequency, same consciousness entities from other dimensions too. The injections and/or attempted injections done to us have also happened in nonphysical levels. Those injections can be mental, emotional, energetic, psychic. This isn’t anything new or unique for humanity.

Because we’re deep into the Ascension Process at the level and stage we currently are now in Phase 2, the negatives—nonhuman and human—have been doing all they can to any they can to prevent or at least temporarily derail or hold off what’s happening anyway. This is the end game battle with this ancient, ancient crap and characters within an expired cosmic cycle and system based energetically within Duality. We’re battling with one foot in an expired dead old cosmic system fending off negatives as best we can that don’t want any of that to end, while we simultaneously energetically, physically, emotionally and mentally Work to constantly embody more of the NEW which is manifesting itself in and through us and our physical bodies. And this has been and continues happening on cosmic levels and not only on Earth and the old 4D Astral dimension.

I know your tired, exhausted, beat down and momentarily discouraged due to this severe August 2021 negative multidimensional Team Dark ass-whooping we went through. Know that you continue transmuting far more than you’re currently aware of. Also know that you’re soon going to, we all are soon going to KNOW much more about a whole lot of stuff than we do at this exhausted, beat to hell war-torn moment. And know that it’s all part of the Ascension Process and CHANGEOVER. Recuperate, be proud of what you’ve accomplished for self and ALL, and get back into the end game and let’s complete this part of it. Thank you for your multidimensional HighHeart Light Service.

Denise Le Fay