We are on an accelerated Arc of Evolution that is intensifying and that will lead us to a major "leap" in August at the Lions Gate.
According to Archangel Michael, we are ready...and here we go.
First the Total Lunar Eclipse on the 26th May, in Sagittarius close to the Galactic Center. This one is intense.
Then about 2 weeks later, the Solar Eclipse in Gemini, and then about two weeks later, the Solstice.
At each point, energy will accelerate and ramp up to lift the Earth frequency in preparation for the New Cycle that commences with New Year on the 26th of July and the Lions Gate at 8/8.
The best way to cope with these intensifying energies is just to go with the flow and allow the process.
We got this!
You may be feeling "deep" symptoms as your body aligns with the new energies. Those of us in the First Wave will probably feel these more deeply as our bodies adjust, yet again.
Those in the 3rd wave and later, like the new children, will probably be sailing as they adjust to something more like the speed they were designed for...at last!
This is not an easy phase that we are moving into, but it will have the effect of lifting many people onto the New Earth timeline as it shifts the Earth itself towards a higher frequency to open up that new timeline.
Best advice it to take good care of yourself and not to expect too much of yourself in the next weeks. Take it easy and let the events unfold in a natural way.
Love, Peace and Magic to everyone!