dinsdag 5 januari 2021

Energy Update ~ Judith Kusel

For those who attended my "Sacred Heart Toning" remember that your frequency and vibration is being raised and thus you will find that a lot of old issues, the old unforgiveness, the old woundedness will still come up in myriad of ways. Release, release, release.

A lot of this is deeply subconscious and often been there for generations and for many past life existences on this planet and often beyond that.

The more we release, the higher we can go, and more we assume our Higher Adam Kadmon body, the new embodiment of the New Golden Age.
The more you do the toning, the more your heart center opens, and the sacredness returns as you remember the truth of who and what you are - the more you find that you whole experience and view of life changes.

Pure unconditional love, in the highest and most sacred heart, cannot see duality, nor polarity, or separation anymore. It only sees Love reflecting its highest and most sacred face back to itself. What you see in me, is there within you. You cannot judge anyone anymore, for you now can only see wholeness and unity.

We are ONE. One Heart, One Soul, One Divine Creation.
It is a matter of allowing all to be released which is still blocking, hindering the heart center from fully opening to the deepest and most profound Power of Love, which is totally unconditional.

I will be giving a webinar on this aspect soon.
The more you open the Sacred Heart, the more silence will come.
The mind is stilled. There is only Love - all else is illusion.

Judith Kusel