dinsdag 15 december 2020

Energy Update ~ Judith Kusel

Note that as the Timelines between the Old 3D and the 5D widen, as the New Earth is rising, relationships will be going through quantum changes.

This is important to note, and to understand, that since the 5 July 2020, and by Divine Dispensation, the karma debt has been released from all souls on earth.
Yet, also note that every single soul has free will and choice, and if they still choose to replay the old negative karmic patterns, and continue with the old concepts, playing out judgements, polarity, duality and thus the old separations, things are not going to change. They then consciously choose to remain in the 3D and the Old Earth, which only exists in holographic form.

Yet, within a relationship, one may be ready and able to totally leave the Old Earth and all behind, and claim their freedom from the old karmic patterns, and thus move into a totally different and higher dimensional frequency band, and thus the New Earth.

This is what was meant when in the New Testament Yeshua said, that two will be standing next to each other, and one will be lifted and the other remain. It is happening now.
Note, that Loving and Intimate relationships will truly now go through these quantum shifts, and note that these shifts will start WITHIN each individual soul, and each soul has its own path.

As much as one loves someone, you cannot make the choice for them, nor can you try to change anything about them. Their soul has automy. All you can do is give them the freedom to be and to decide for themselves, where they wish to play out the rest of their life on earth.
I am constantly being brought back the Power of Love, and unconditional love, as it is.
Unconditional lovse, does not cling. It is not attached. It simply allows to the Other the freedom to be and thus decide for themselves what type of life they wish to create on earth, 3D or 5D.

It comes back to loving oneself in the deepest sense and ALL of you and to seek the Divinity within yourself, so that ONENESS and UNITY is there WITHIN you. When you are in the Highest State of unconditional love, you see and know that love is ever present, never absent, and more than this, you know, that no matter what happens, love is infinite and eternal. You can never lose someone you love. It is impossible, for at soul level, once a soul has truly loved, it loves forever.
In the New Earth and the New Golden Age, relationships will be that of EQUALS in Divine Unity. Oneness. Each soul standing fully in their own power and in their own light, their highest Soul Attributes and Calling and giving each other the freedom to be and become.
They do not wish to possess each other, nor do they need contracts etc. to give them a sense of being bound to each other. They choose to walk the path alongside each other, in pure unconditional love and thus choosing the Sacred Path, that of Sacred Union, which first starts as merger of souls, and thus overflowing into the most sacred of union, in all and every respect. This higher dimensional relationship, is truly that of Unity, enhancing each other, and thus bringing out the very best in each other.
Now note, that in the next few years and months, we all go through this whole transition and transfiguration into our higher dimensional self, love will take on a higher and much more meaningful elevated state. We expand beyond what we ever thought was possible within us, uniting with the other in infinite space.

We indeed now find the Divine Complement, the perfect match, the wholeness we have so desperately sought in the 3D and never seemed to be able to reach.

In the 7th dimensional state, we are all heading towards, and which is already here, we return to the Paradise Union, and that is the truthful ATONENESS in the highest sense. It is the state of androgyny within and without, wholeness. Beauty, and harmony and true love.
Yet all of these quantum leaps, first need come WITHIN. The marriage of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within, and then manifesting without.

What a beautiful and profound change!
I am deeply touched when I see this shown to me.
This is indeed what we have so sought for many thousands of years, and now indeed, rising into and already are indeed being transformed into, if we so choose.

The more the Sacred Path is revealed to me, the more my heart opens and the more the Power of Love flows in, and with it insight and understanding grows.
We are indeed returning to wholeness and unity in the highest sense.

Judith Kusel