donderdag 19 november 2020

Wednesday November 18 2020 “We are an ancient sort of resilient ~ Lorna Bevan

Wednesday November 18 2020

“We are an ancient sort of resilient.

Made for the falling and the rising.
Made for finding new home in one another.
Made for the burning down and rebuilding from the ashes.
Made for the holy wonder of beginning again.”
Zoe Quiney

These are words to hold on this week to as multiple endings, completions and the true scale of the 2020 emotional wreckage become apparent.

Looking back over the last 11 months with the benefit of hindsight, we can see that this brutal year has been nothing less than a collective and very, very personal experience of alchemy aka unasked- for transformation. Such a dark night of the soul has called us to a place—metaphorically a desert or mountain peak—where, the hard wind of reality stripped away all the old trappings of life, like so much clothing, makeup, and accessories.

And now we’re on the verge of something new that is asking us to tear our gaze away from the wreckage and the losses and to notice the possibility of a different kind of future just over the horizon. It needs you to drop all claims against yourself based on the past and ask a radically different question:
Instead of: “What is going to happen to me?” ask: “What am I going to create, to transform and to risk?”

We are now only 4 weeks away from the much-heralded Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction at 0° Aquarius at the December 21st Solstice. Historically, collectively, psychologically and astrologically, it’s a once in 800-year shift of a time cycle.

This unique event is not only equal to but supersedes the enormity of the meeting between Saturn and Pluto on January 12 2020 and is one of the brightest astrological beacons we've had in a long time.