vrijdag 13 november 2020

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

I share my own journey, that becomes knowing, via it’s experience, and so just my perception shared. Please take what resonates and discard the rest. There are millions of divine human perceptions, where all roads lead home. What empowers you most, is your balanced perception...

There are many ways to view, see, or understand this human journey of awakening to the Source that created you, and all things. The Source that resides WITHIN all it’s creations. The Source that resides within all the SPACES. Is EVER Present. Is ‘The Presence’ ITSelf.

Light in it’s purest form, is an unmanifested state. It just is. After which there is Light State, Liquid State, Solid State. Yet the unmanifested State IS also withIN ALL Light States. Darkness is also made of Light. Yet at it’s purest state of BEING, light is UNFORMED, unmanifested. Before any type of IT’s creation.

1) To experience the separation of the rays of light via a crystaline programme we can label as ‘an identity/personality’.
2) Through the awakening (remembering/embodiment) process, we would consciously experience the human embodiment of what our consciousness always was: All RAYS of LIGHT.
3) Step by step, stage by stage, initiation after initiation (however you want to define the process), each coloured ray of light would consciously be embodied, merged with the human solid vessel.
4) To become the GOLDEN RAY in solid matter humanised from.

In parallel to Each’s process, we gradually merge all our forms (solid body, Soul, Consciousness, Source).
When ALL the RAYS of LIGHT are consciously embodied (remembered), we are in full acceptance of each RAY.
In parallel to the embodiment of each RAY, we consciously become more and more LOVE. (Love is Source ESSENCE).
We embody each coloured RAY, embody more LOVE, merge our bodies, by consciously and simultaneously dismantling the ‘Crystaline Programme’ we agreed to have this experience by. So the dismantling of Personality belief systems, Personality behavioural patterns, fixation on our individual identity, that we allowed ourselves to identify via. We also allowed our identity to be mesmerised by the outer solidity of the holographic reality.

When the play via the super-imposed IDENTITY is released...
When all COLOURED Rays are consciously embodied, are in ‘activated’ mode...
When ESSENCE (SOURCE/WHITE LIGHT) is felt, known, seen, interacted with by the human in conscious waking awareness...
When LOVE is felt and expressed inwardly and outwardly for ALL...
We witness, The ESSENCE of the WHITE Ray merges WITHIN, with ALL the coloured Rays embodied. To thus create and activate the GOLD RAY. The ‘Golden Child’ is then activated.
The PROMISE is forefilled.

Is the Golden Child of Source. Meaning, the activated child (light facet) of Orignal Source Point. It is this activated child/light facet, that has the ability of the divine alchemist. Via Lighted process of their human embodiment and activation of all the rays, Source Essence, that is ALL LOVE. The GOLDEN LIGHT is the sum total of all the coloured rays with the ESSENCE of White Light (Source) ONLY WHEN Love is present and filled within the human. The Golden Light/Golden Child is the sum total of ALL Love. They:
Feel through the eyes of Greater Love.
See through the eyes of Greater Love.
Touch through their touch of Greater Love.
Hear in vibrational form through the ears of Greater Love.
Smell, through the fragrance of scents of the Greater Love.

The GOLDEN RAY, the golden child, the embodied Christed one, enlightment, however any ‘individual’ wishes to label it....is the human, as conscious awarensss, that becomes capable of DIVINE ALCHEMY, in it’s awareness, consciously giving out this embodied GOLDEN RAY, in Service to the Whole.

They GIVE in light form, in vibration form. They pass this on. As light, as codes, as activations, as healings, as light encoded data to be unpackaged by the individual recipient when it is their ready time or moment to unpackaged it for themselves. And so to many within this multi-dimensional experience of multiple human consciousness states, that which the Golden Child GIVES, from unmanifested state known to them within them, can be unseen, not understood by many. Perceived as a mystery, or as a miracle. Yet it is known by the one GIVING, for they have become the conscious awareness of that which they are, that which they be and that which they give, at the WILL of God. Their Will, given up when their identity (crystaline programme/book/scroll of life was given back. They SOULY serve, God’s Will. Shown to them, in the present moment, to act upon.
“Thy WILL be Done.”
One Love
Amanda Lorence
13 November 2020