zaterdag 3 oktober 2020

October Has Started With an Energetic Bang By Ramona Lappin

October Has Started With an Energetic Bang

By Ramona Lappin

October has started with an energetic bang for sure. We are receiving the most profound upgrades, activations, downloads and clearings and our bodies and systems are being re-enscripted. 

We may feel very tired, exhausted, heavy, need more rest and alone time, tense, anxiety, moody, emotional (release of cellular memory), fear coming up, body is very achy all over, muscle spasm, nausea, dizzyness, stomach/ solar plexus very active, all 3 lower chakras going through huge changes and upgrades, HEART openings and activations, waves of feeling hot and/ or cold, sleep problems, feeling like we don’t fit into this reality and seeing through the hologram (hint; we came from the ‘future’ and it sometimes feels like living in the middle ages or like we ended up in the wrong reality), heightened psychic abilities & gifts, downloads and more..

Nature is a great blessing to support us at this time, earthing, yoga, movement, rest/ sleep when called, salt baths are a god send, good quality water and nutrition. Follow what your body needs, sometimes that’s crisps cookies and chocolate whilst watching a movie and just enjoy, zone out, relaaaaxxxx!! This isn’t linear, it’s quantum, we are multi-dimensional beings and our bodies can shift and change quickly as well as their needs and requirements.

It’s important our nervous system is as relaxed as possible to make it easier for the body to go through the adjustments and so we can stay balanced more easily. So when you get stressed, anxious or want to move out of your skin, try to meditate, do some earthing, go for a walk, deep/ focused breathing, stretch the body, have a shower or bath, just be FULLy in your body as this is about emBODYment. 

Not floating about in the ethers all day long, although that’s also nice, but we have to ground these energies within us, in our physical body as many of us have decided to ascend with our bodies. Walking, dancing, yoga, body work, earthing all assist with this.

I am guided to take more time to truly nurture myself, focus on what brings me JOY, focus on beauty, on fun and stillness to connect with my higher levels and guides. The Lyrans and Siriuns were very present yesterday and continue to be so, we truly have a lot of support. Instead of looking for contact without we first have to cultivate telepathic/ inner contact with these aspects of us. 

The activations we have been receiving especially since Wednesday require even more rest and time to allow all to integrate and release a huge amount of density which can feel very heavy. If anyone thinks there is/ has been not much happening (although the whole Trump CV news breaking has everyone excited, nervous, speculating. I’m neither for it against him. I’m just observing the show, the resolution, as the compassionate witness) I can assure you that beyond the visible, beyond the thinning veil, it’s ALL CHANGE and multiple adjustments are being implemented. 

We continue to go through a huge rewrite/ reset in timelines. The grids received a huge upgrade and are being recoded/ re-enscripted to their original blueprint, just like us, from a bi-wave to a tri-wave (trinity wave), patterning. We are returning to our original God Source Code. We are merging polarities within and without through Zero Point NEUTRALITY. We are healing and merging our masculine and feminine principle/ energies and

The process is truly profound although a bit uncomfortable.
“God source code is a Trinity Wave accessed through the merging of polarity, such as the merging of masculine and feminine energies, our species has been suppressed through Bi-Wave Influences that split apart the gender polarity making it impossible to connect to God Source through the sacred union of the male and female. Sacred Union is our divine birthright and this organic architecture is now being returned to our species during the Ascension Cycle as Hieros Gamos. 

This gender polarity pattern is changing now on our planet and we are able to access a new Trinity Wave or unity code through these male “Rod and female Staff” embodiment.”
Source: Ascension Glossary

In meditation on Thursday I first saw this happening to the grids, the trinity wave pattern coming online all over the grids, with special focus on repairs and clearings of Stargate 11, Stonehenge, UK, which was followed by a huge activation of my physical body. (I am perceiving that as a result there will be much change coming to the UK in the coming days.) 

I could feel a very strong energy moving in through the left side of my head and into the right side of my body from there. It was VERY profound. Crown and soul star are opening and merging. Please note as I’ve said before that everybody is at a different stage in this process so I’m talking about a group / wave of people but verybody who’s soul has decided to ascend with earth is receiving the rewrites/ reset, just everybody is at a different stage of embodiment, linearly speaking. So during my meditation/ energy work, 

I got very cold and this has been happening since, could feel my whole body being recoded (something more than strong tingling/ inner crystallization sensation, but I don’t know how to describe it better), even my body was shaking and twitching. It then also happened to my other side, first coming in through the right side of my head moving in and into the left side of my body but the physical sensation was less strong than the other side. 

We are clearing reversal networks and codings, distorted templates and more as timelines are being edited, within and without. We are being re-inscripted at cellular, DNA and morphogenetic level. THIS IS HUGE, I cannot ‘stress’ this enough!! So be patient with the process. As within, so without. As the microcosm so the macrocosm. That’s why this is an inside-out job. As we change within the outside changes in response. That’s where our power lies!! Creating a new architecture, new systems, from the inside of our bodies, it truly is fascinating.

With it all came a huge healing and upgrade for our masculine energy with our feminine essence holding the space for this healing. On a mental and emotional level I have experienced this through being guided to go deeper into forgiveness towards the masculine principle. Which in truth has so far been the distorted masculine/ false king/ false father principle on earth. We are / have been doing the same for the Feminine but she is somewhat further ahead in the process in order to hold the space for our Masculine to follow. 

The feminine essence births the masculine. Both had massive distortions (we all embody both the masculine and feminine energies, just with slightly different percentages) and these are being healed at accelerated speed. All distortions have to go. All polarity had to be cleared and integrated. This is also important for the collective as the false masculine energies clear this way also which means that the patriarchal domination is coming to an end. 

Obviously there is much more to all this but this is an integral part. We need a society where both masculine and feminine energies and polarities are fully balanced and equal. We can’t integrate that which we reject, hate, fear despise. Everything is this. Everything and everyone is reflecting back to us an aspect of these energies. So I was guided in meditation to forgive at a deeper level every masculine in my life for anything they have ever done to hurt me and was then guided to extend this to the whole masculine principle/ collective conscioussness until there was only peace and love left for the/ my masculine within and without. 

Also to note, last week I was guided to apologise on behalf of the Feminine towards the Masculine for anything I / we ever did to hurt them, knowingly or unknowingly. Across all timelines, all dimensions, all realities, all incarnations, past, present and future. I did this with the understanding that truly this is my own masculine and feminine energies within I am forgiving to bring balance and integration of the two energies together within me, to unify them, so Divine inner (and outer) Union can be accomplished. We can’t have any lingering unforgivness towards either energetics if we wish to embody Krystic/ Christ Conscioussness. 

All has to be resolved within so we can activate the God Source within. This also connects to inner child healing which can only happen/ complete when we have healed and integrated our inner masculine and feminine aspects. Everyone is helping us do that by triggering a response from us, showing us what still requires healing. It’s helpful if we can review any outstanding issues with our parents as this is where we get our first imprints. This can be done without us interacting with them although that could accelerate the process but it’s truly internal, the same with forgiveness. Once we can’t be triggered anymore we know we’re done. 

Yes, nobody said this was easy!! When we still point fingers we don’t understand that this is part of the illusion, the Maya, the Matrix and it is disolving very fast now as realities are being rewritten. All is in flux. Big changes are happening. Trust, have faith, relax, believe! Just know that there is a lot happening behind the veils which are lifting very fast. Best to try and see for yourself as you journey within and cultivate the connection to God Source and your higher levels!

My tip for this time would be to truly step into the role of the observer. Observe the thinker within you and bit attach to anything. To stay in neutrality, in Zero Point. To let go of all attachments, all identity, all beliefs held, all judgements, all expectations, to become formless and let the universe fill and surprise you. When we are in waiting mode we signal to the Universe that what we are hoping for hasn’t arrived yet, so vibrationally we are not aligned with our desires. Just let them go. LET GO. LET GO. LET GOOOO! 

I was given that as a message repeatedly today πŸ˜ We are asked to trust in God Source, the Universe, in US. To have faith that all is working out for us and falling into place. That we will know what we need to know when we need to know it. Same with anything we need. We do what we are shown and the rest is up to God Source. This is a omniversal undertaking, this is not just about earth but about a unification on many levels of existence and conscioussness. There truly is just One here and when we truly understand that, feel it, we know there is no one to be against or for. There is no one to fight, there isn’t even a spiritual war. 

From another viewpoint/ level of perception there is but we can’t solve it from that level of perception so we rise above it. There is a war within that we are currently winning through cultivating inner peace, equilibrium and full integration of all polarities held within, all aspects of us, the One, the All. If you are against anyone than it is showing you where you are to integrate that aspect / energy / archetype that you are against, within you. 

The outside is a mirror to reflect back to you which still requires healing, which is a change in perception. Divine Union is not possible before this has been accomplished. This is embodiment, integration of all polarities.

To truly see beyond the illusion we have to close our eyes and see within. To feel and use our extra sensory abilities to tune into the unseen. We all have these abilities, it’s a question of cultivating them, out abilities and gifts, listening to the stillness and our higher guidance. The clearer our energy field (transcendence of distortions) the clearer the messages get. We fine tune our psychic abilities by clearing our negative ego so there is less and less ‘interference’. The best cure for the negative ego and maintaining a healthy and strong energetic field is living a virtuous life, to be loving, compassionate, open minded, balanced, sovereign, self responsible, honest and in service to others/ all. 

To get there we have to first of all be very honest with ourselves, to conduct self enquiry and continuous self assessment of ones behaviours, actions, thoughts, words, emotions and belief systems held. We are always evolving and every next level on our life’s journey requires a new next level version of us. Evolution doesn’t stop, this is a constant expansion of consciousness. What we found to be true or resonating with one moment / day / month / time in our life doesn’t resonate at a later point. We have to be flexible, open minded, non attached to any specific outcome, especially with he craziness I can see coming up.

So I’d recommend not to get tied up in any outside drama playing out and just do your own world, create and nurture your own Paradise within. We create Paradise, heaven in earth from the inside out! We are here to hold the balance and stability for the collective and not get bounced around like a yoyo. 

Integrating the polarities at this point feels a bit like being a yoyo but we can learn to master how we deal with the upcoming thoughts and emotions. It’s about self mastery after all but it’s a process non the less. the more we can let go of judgement of self and all others the easier it gets. Much tender loving self care is vital, all starts with us and comes from there. It’s ALL WITHIN! 

Happy surfing πŸŒŠπŸ„πŸŒžπŸŒˆ
Eternal Love & Blessings