In this moment you can decide to stop being affected by the outer world &, instead harness your power to affect the world around through your state of being & inner peace. No matter what happens each day, no matter what situations you faced in the past, you can decide this moment to radiate love, healing & peace.
This world you are seeing around you is an illusion that gets created by the energy signal you send out. Please realise that absolutely anything is possible. These limitations you see are the parts of you that keep saying to yourself something is not possible. You are reminded that these are only thoughts & you can change your thoughts. By connecting to deep peace & love, you shift the reflection of the outer world to match the light of your soul.
Begin envisioning streams of energy being emitted from you out into the world. There are many different streams of energy & you have the power to choose which one you operate from. You can align to struggle & conflict that needs so much hard work to get what you want, or you can choose an alignment of peace, joy, gratitude & love. Remember, each moment you get to choose your thoughts & reality. ~ Abigail Wainwright