LoveHasWon Special Message From Archeia Faith ~ Building A Plasma Bridge to 5D Embodiment
By Archeia Faith of the First Contact Ground Crew Team, discover here who we are!
Explore Our Plasma Range here!
So, here we are, on the brink of Evolution like none other. We are the First Contact Ground Crew Team of Mother of All Creation…. Gifted with the Holy Grail … we found God. Lifetime after lifetime in the illusion, the crusades, the wars, the trauma, the loss, the seemingly unending suffering and the promise.
The promise that we were doing it All for something, it was happening for a reason. The reason was to climb Our way up and out of Hell and back Home, Into Heaven. This was a climb of consciousness and God, Source, well… She’s been down here with us too.
This is Her Planet and you are Her children and She loved it All so much that She came down into the physical experience to dissolve the Matrix as Humanity were unable to get out of the Free Will experiment.
The Free Will experiment gave us All the capacity to go anywhere on the scale of consciousness, this is versus Divine Will in which only frequencies within universal Law exist, such as peace, harmony, passion, love… Free Will basically equaled duality, FEAR spectrum and the EGO is addicted to those frequencies making it impossible to get out.
Until Now.
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Mother of All Creation has dissolved every frequency, every microchip, every implant sabotaging humanities ascent up and out of the programming. This has been trickling down through the collective and whilst All of these things have been energetically transformed, the physical human vessels themselves hold the habitual memory of acting in dysfunction.
This means when an event occurs that would typically have triggered a frequency, the frequency is no longer triggered as it’s gone, however the neural network system of the body has created a response pathway and so the being acts in the same reaction as if the frequency had been triggered.
To combat this Mom has begun training the team in the Creation of 5D Crystalline technology. At the core of this is Plasma which essentially replicates any material, similar to cloning except this is Organic Divine Intelligence (Science is NOT Divine Intelligence, it is the product of the EGO programmed Mind) Plasma works with Gas At Nano State to replicate the memory of what it is exposed to.
Plasma makes up everything we see and touch. Plasma is one of the four constituents that makes up the blood, if Water is memory and blood is thicker than water, then blood contains super memory, i.e the whole memory of the soul and this is truly the role of Plasma.
As Plasma replicates energy it is truly the role of Plasma to fulfill the vibrational transfer that occurs when two resonating energetics trigger. For example, someone gets mad, you get mad back, you watch a sad movie, you cry. People think this is feeling, it isn’t. This is low frequency emotions replicating to create FEAR, pain and suffering Planet wide.
Heaven has witnessed humanity get deeper and deeper into the programming as the Planetary Old Controllers have created deeper levels of dysfunction and spread them en masse. Mom has Created Plasma that holds Her Divinely Conscious field, AKA pure God consciousness, any lower none resonating frequency cannot effect it, therefore it is impervious to FEAR frequency, the EGO, the entire matrix system.
We are here to advance evolution, are you ready for Full Divinity in Embodiment?
Explore Our Plasma Range here!