Degrees and licensure does not make one a powerful healer, it just makes them proficient and competent in their chosen modality.
The gifted healer is the courageous one who learned how to heal themselves by walking in the darkest of nights, bringing everything to light for assimilation and transmutation.
It is the Hero's Journey and once the Hero slays (befriends) their Inner Dragon, they return back to the world with a precious gift to humanity: a unique alchemical elixir that will trigger others to reclaim their power and heal themselves.
A true healer is not just in the acupuncture clinic or carrying a massage table. These modalities are incredible tools to bring harmony and balance to the body and spirit, but they alone will not be the Cure.
Not even a Shaman, a Curandera will Cure you, but their bridge to the subtle realm and relationship with the spirit of the plants, the wisdom of the ocean will bring you into the realm of no-speak, where benevolence graces and blesses.
A powerful Healer is a catalyst, a trigger to your consciousness that it is time to wake up and stop playing small.
The powerful healer is one who Holds Presence and Love in the face of Hatred, Fear, Disease and Death.
The powerful healer mirrors the true Cure.
The Cure is the Liberation of the Soul.
The Reclamation of Sovereignty and the Embodiment of Spirit
A powerful healer holds space for this awakening: that only we can heal our ourselves- that we are the One dreaming this Dream into Creation.
In order to be yourself you must share yourself.