dinsdag 8 september 2020

We Have to Be Brave Enough to Truly Self Reflect By Ramona Lappin

We Have to Be Brave Enough to Truly Self Reflect

By Ramona Lappin

We have to be brave enough to truly deeply self reflect on all aspects of ourselves, outside of the victim and victimizer program running on this planet. Pretending we’re ok when we’re not, doesn’t serve anyone and doesn’t work. Anything we may do outwardly to make ourselves feel happy will not have any lasting effect until all distortions in our template have been resolved and healed. No matter what roles we have played, what we have done or not done, ALL of us has to be seen from a non judgemental, compassionate and loving place to be fully integrated as a complete and whole being of shadow and light. 

We don’t go easy on ourselves and find excuses either, full on honesty with self and a profound inner shift to healthier behaviours, ways of thinking along with changing our belief systems which are based on distortions, is essential. Self honesty is a must along with a big helping of self love as that’s the end result we’re after. Total and full acceptance of all that we are, as we are. True inner change won’t happen if we reject, judge or suppress any part of us. Whatever we resist or deny will persist and create unwanted outcomes and situations in our life’s. Good intentions don’t lead us nowhere until it’s all been fully transcended.

As long as we judge, deny and suppress any parts of ourselves because of conditioning and programming, we will feel that there’s something wrong with us and that we’re not worthy on some level, somewhere deep down inside. There comes a point where suppressing just doesn’t work anymore. So the more we can pro-actively be with whatever arises, be the witness, alchemise and release any negative feelings that come with that, the easier the process is. Resistance just increases the suffering. So be honest yet gentle and loving with yourself whilst you get through those deep releases, be raw, be fully authentic with yourself first and foremost. Be present with all of you, let it arise, scream, cry, punch a pillow, whatever helps move the energy out and release it. Sometimes just breathing through it and asking for it to be cleared and healed, is what brings release.
Remember, no one is perfect here and the one who judges you the most is most likely yourself and others act as a mirror to show you that, those parts hidden away and unconscious. Once you lose the judgement and all negative emotions connected with/ projected upon your so called shadow aspects, you feel so much lighter and happier for it!! That’s freedom! That’s feeling whole again, all requires to be integrated! Ultimately none of your aspects even define you. You are an eternal being, a fractal of God Source having an experience.
The only way to ‘gey there’ is through, to go within, no cheating possible šŸ˜‰