dinsdag 8 september 2020

The Illumined Ones, illuminate ~ Judith Kusel

The Illumined Ones, illuminate. They cannot do or be other than this. Yet that state needs to be ignited deep within the heart and soul, - for the illumination first happens in the open heart, as the heart directly connects to the soul.

And when the heart center opens with the solar plexus center, the upper center of the throat, third eye and crown and upper chakras ignite and then the lower navel, sacral, base and earth – in their illumined state. When all of these are fully opened with the Lightbridge, the soul itself will seek a constant filling, a deep union with the DIVINE SOURCE SELF, the I AM THAT I AM within, and thus the soul stands in its highest empowerment, living life as a Master.

Never as servant to anyone on earth, but a fully Divine Source Self Soul. The Master is not bound by anyone or anything. The Master is not attached. The Master is so filled with the Divine Within, that the Soul in truth accesses the Universal, the Omni-versal, the Infinite Source.

The Soul Source living its inherent soul attributes from the depths of the heart and soul and with great love, so that all is reflected back to the Divine Source, so that Source experiences and lives through you.

Copyright Applies: excerpt from a Soul Reading done by me
Judith Kusel