The Ascension process is about moving everyone & everything back to a state of love, balance, & harmony.
It's about being in union with your own soul.
Remember you come to Earth to evolve each & every day through your experiences & to transform from within.
All of these lessons, challenges & experiences are preparing your transition for an inner Ascension where you purge out any fear & move into the depths of your heart & soul.
The guidance of the high priest Melchizedek is coming through strongly today. He works with & communicates on a high energy level & through sacred geometry as well as ancient star-shaped symbols.
Notice the patterns, ancient symbols & signs being sent through to you. Use meditation to connect to your inner world & to receive messages & guidance.
As you focus on new & higher ways, you will be able to offer higher levels of light to the world. As you do this deep inner work, you will also see through the field of illusion clearly & release all that is needed.
~ Abigail Wainwright