dinsdag 8 september 2020

Many Souls Are Now at a Crosspoint By Grace Solaris

Many Souls Are Now at a Crosspoint

By Grace Solaris

Many souls are now at a crosspoint where they can no longer stay in the 3D hologram of their incarnational story and are ready to move onto the 5D new earth timeline to unite with their divine consort and fullfill their divine plan in service to all-that-is according to their soul plan and planetary mission.

It is a deep calling and longing, that cannot be ignored, as the time is ripe to step forward and free yourself of all polarity based programming and step into divine sovreignty and your highest soul expression and soul aspiration. A rebirthing and return to Oneness and embodiment of pure god omnipresence.

Now is the time when many beloveds will come together on the external as we are ready to complete the inner alchemical marriage for the anchoring of the twin essence divine union blue print to actualize and anchor in the 5D heaven on earth Star Tara, which is the higher aspect of Gaia into the grid and assist her in repositioning herself on her new orbital trajetory in the galaxy in the 5D parallel universe of the golden age.

You are invited to this unprecedented dispensation of light in the Tripple Trinity Triad Portal on 09-09 2020 for the birthing of the Beloved within and the clearing and activation of your sacred heart space. This activation is overlighted by beloved Mary Magdalene and Jeshua and facilitated by our beloved Arcturian family of light, which will conduct a download and upgrade of our dna and a rewiring of our heart and high heart. 

It will dissolve the membranes between the left and right upper and lower heart chambers to open the bridal chamber within our diamond heart, a sacred initiation space and alchemical cauldron for the alchemical marriage, the Heiros Games, between our divine feminine and masculine aspects and the birthing of the inner beloved, twin essence within our heart. It will indeed prepare us for the reunion with our divine consort sacred tantric partner in divine timing, which might or might not be our our original twin flame but of our monadic oversoul group avatar.

Needless to say this ancient calling is specifically to all those, that are ready to embark on the next leg of their soul plan of divine service.
