vrijdag 7 augustus 2020

In the Eye of the Storm ~ Alyonna Joy Yaxkin

In the Eye of the Storm.

The energy this week has been overwhelming, down right strange and extraordinarily intense. I can feel a deep shift deep in my solar plexus like the unrelenting, overturning of the tides in my gut. I feel like I am without an anchor, and feel I have nothing to offer. I feel like a complete blank slate while in a cocoon. The outer 3D reality feels so increasingly unreal, almost like an unfunny, cosmic satire with all its exaggerations and extreme polarities compiled with the heavy crush of the struggling underlayment of human, primal fear. I am hearing that life is morphing in the physical very fast now. We are in the void vacillating between realities, and this is what it will feel like for a while. It is not an easy place to be traveling through, especially for empaths and sensitives.

I am shocked to watch my intense reactions to the outer world’s illusions. This isn’t the way I usually react to things. It feels like a huge power surge inside that will not tolerate anything that is not truth or out of alignment anymore. It is like I hit my proverbial line in the dirt. I hear... more light and TRUTH is coming in very fast now, and what we were ok with yesterday, might not be ok with us today. But the weird thing is that I don’t know what my truth is with my mind. The mind is old left brain programs of the past. 

Yet this internal surge within seems to know exactly what the truth is. It is pure intuition without any bounds. It surges through me feeling like an alien power that has more control over me than I do of it. It is a bit scary to feel this much energy, and I AM used to big energy. So ... I think to myself, do I let all this out? Is it too much? Too much for my nervous system’s circuits? Am I just learning to embody and balance this new incoming wave of energy? When I ask the Star Elders for answers about these mind bending, unpredictable times and polarities, they say simply say to “surf the center” within all the world’s diverse perspectives, and to “stay in the eye of the storm”. But this is easier said than done. It it is time to quit wasting energy by anchoring into any side as anything polarized will not be coming through onto the new template.

When I ask further about the power that is coursing through my chakras like a fright train, I hear this is what we ALL have been asking for. Yes you, and gulp ... me! This is the beginning of the birth of our true awakened self in the physical world, and the true self within us that is created in God’s image. And of course, this power feels alien to us. We might feel out of control or overwhelmed. We have not felt our true awakened self embodied in our physical form in this lifetime, and maybe in many life times. We have been dumb downed by old programming of many past generations for safe keeping. We needed to keep this power hidden to avoid persecution in the past, but it seems that these days are over. The time is right and the collective consciousness is able to anchor it now. So hang on.

I also see, and have been experiencing, the bridging of our dreamtime with multiple realities thus creating what feels like time shifts or loops and dimensional leaps. We are now circling back to the original Earth template that has no contamination in creation, unlike the one we are diverting from. Dreamtime is very different as I feel like I am awake while asleep, aware and learning from past events and history, and intending and preparing for the future. I find myself working with many other souls on very deep core issues. Some of these people I know in this reality, and others I have yet to meet. I wake up so tired. We are reassessing our deepest history while simultaneously envisioning and building our future. This is making us feel uncomfortably full and empty all at the same time.

This is what it feels like to be entering spherical time, when we wake up in a new day and need to reassess our life, our focus and what actions we take. Each day we are directed to start all over again. I feel like I am moving at light speed while standing still. This is because we are shifting so fast that we do not have time to anchor in any one place anymore. And that is the point ... not to anchor just yet. We need to keep clearing and letting go of the past while entering the future. It is not a good time to make big moves unless it is something you have been cooking on for some time. We cannot get into our left brain with this process, although we will try unsuccessfully. All this, in this time, is boiling down to living in each moment, free from past expectations and open to new, incoming energy that we asked for.

Self care is so very important now. I know those who read my posts already have a huge tool box of self care knowledge. It is time to dig into that tool box, and use what will work for you in each moment. Yesterday I was so uncomfortable in my skin. So I took a long mustard bath and let myself sweat for awhile. I then took a cool shower, and topped it off by using some Egyptian oils. I felt a lot better. Our digestion is taking a hit again too. Be kind to your body with the food you take in. And remember to just breathe, and remember to surf in the center in the eye of the storm.