Photo: Incoming Golden Light BE-ing Grounded to Mother Earth captured by Linda Good McGillis
We are going through a Massive Transformation and SHIFT right NOW in this NOW Moment...
As you Know that we are moving into HIGHER State of Consciousness...
And We are currently SHIFTING out of lower frequency within our Bodies and moving into a HIGHER frequency within our Bodies...
Incoming HIGH Frequency LIGHT from the Sun which is a Consciousness is continuously streaming into our Bodies High Frequency LIGHT.
This LIGHT is alchemizing denser Consciousness within us allowing us to hold Higher LIGHT... Higher Frequency.
As our Bodies are Shifting in this Moment of NOW, we are accessing HIGHER State of Consciousness.
We are starting to BE more LOVE, more PEACE, more ABUNDANCE, more NEUTRAL, more ALLOWING, more ACCEPTING, more in NOW MOMENT and more UNIFIED...
and these are ALL HIGHER State of Consciousness.
Stay Patient... Stay Grounded and Stay Centered on those ongoing THRUTS that NO one can take away from you.