maandag 17 augustus 2020

Energy Update ~ Judith Kusel

Immense and intense energy shifts as more and more energy is being released.

Note this will work at a deep level within your head, cranium area and spinal column, as well as with the upper chakras.

This is a total rewiring of our mental bodies so that we can truly function in the higher dimensional states.

It is working with the balancing of the left and right brain hemispheres, the pineal and pituitary glands and this is going to cause you to often feel a bit disorientated at times, as these adjustments happen.

You need to open the Anta Karnana Bridge (Lightbridge) more, as this now needs to expand the width of our shoulders and not just our heads.

With it the mental, emotional and physical bodies are being totally reshaped, reinvented and restructured. Indeed, this is at deep cellular, and all other levels, as we need to be able to absorb ever higher light quotients, and thus illumination.

Be open to more and more drastic changes on all fronts, and note that there needs to be a total letting go of the old. When I mean old, it means everything, literally everything of the 3D.

Do not attach to anything or anyone anymore.
Let go. Surrender totally.

Let the Divine Source totally fill you and help you to get through the proverbial Eye of Needle, as this is happening now for all of us.

Judith Kusel