". Now understand that at this moment, the whole of planet earth has ascended into the 5th dimensional state and is ascending rapidly into the 7th now, and thus the physical forms of humanity is now going through intense and immense changes!
You will not have the same human form, or embodiment you have even now, in a few months time – add to this a few years, and you will be totally transformed.
What seemed important now, will be transcended then, as the life and the way one lives one’s life will have gone through a total transformation.
The way one had relationships in the 3D, will be replaced by a much higher vibrational frequency relationship, where two WHOLE people meet, with each one standing fully in their own light – and not allowing themselves to be overpowered, or over shadowed by the other.
It will bring a balanced and harmonious, much higher frequency partnership, which is a merging of soul energy, even before one merges physically, as it is in truth far greater to merge at soul level – than in physical form.
Human beings have such limited understanding of what true love really means – a deep honoring and connection and merging of soul fires, that it will take an immense inner shift, before one finally understands this, and lives accordingly.
So, what you may long for in a close and intimate loving relationship may materialize in a totally different form, from what you are expecting, for the in the higher dimensional state, one is in a much higher state of insight, knowledge and understanding.
One moves into the highest state of unconditional love, where one gives the other the freedom to be, simply themselves, without needing to bind or to sign contracts or to try to shrink into the form the other wishes you to be, or you him. Remember this!"
Copyright Applies: excerpt from a Twin Flame Soul Reading done by me.
Judith Kusel