Detoxing from the 3D Collective Field
By Kwana Mikaela
About: emotionality; detox of memories + ‘material’ from other Timelines. (June 5/6).
There is even more expressed Nostalgia or a sentimental longing for the “past good times”, in the Collective Field. Longing streams through bringing with it light sadness, flashbacks of memories; many starts to “recognize” (in conscious or unconscious way) those with who they are closely interconnected – on Other Timelines (lifetimes) – and, they can have a sudden desire to manifest those ‘relationships’ anew on this Timeline.
Overall, it can be called as DETOX from emotional connectedness, that exists on 3D frequency band, – where due Human experience, we are tended to create emotional attachments/dependency/expectations etc. With Ascension, we are rising in Knowing, that interconnectedness with our beloved ones exists eternally (One Source Awareness), and, that each Soul on our path has also their own path and journey.
Detox means liberation from beliefs and dual perception related to relationships, emotional closeness, this is deeper level transformation, where we are releasing patterns to re-create stories/experiences, that can be described as Exact overlays existing on parallel Timelines (3D), what means trying to live it anew.
In global scale, Collective itself experience similar experiences to division (social distancing) in various degrees, since few months; it brings on surface many vital patterns from 3D programming for us to clear and go into sacred Connectedness with own Higher Self (Source) within, to clear a pathway for free Flow of the Energy and New higher experiences.
As always, be easy to yourself
Kwana Mikaela