Dear beloveds, the Divine says that the Divine plan has been unfolding nicely. We, the lightworkers are being asked to continue to hold space for the Divine and the company of heaven till the disclosure happens.
Yes. It is true that the current situation is very intense. Things seem to be very chaotic and confusing on the surface. However, at an energetic level, we are doing a great job. All the elements have been taken care of.
Yes. It is true that the current situation is very intense. Things seem to be very chaotic and confusing on the surface. However, at an energetic level, we are doing a great job. All the elements have been taken care of.
The Only thing left is the announcement, and the Divine is expecting that to come soon. We have been called to stay in the heart. Let the Divine do the job. Even though the job means something that your human mind does not understand, that is ok. What is important is that we stay calm and peaceful. The Divine will take care of the energetic work. Our Divine Self is doing the work at the energetic level and we need to be in a high vibrational state and in peace.
I know that some of you have a tremendous amount of upheavals in front of you. And that can make you tense and uneasy at the moment. I understand the depth of the feelings and I appreciate your staying strong in the face of difficulties.
The Divine plan involves a lot of us in terms of working together to achieve the goals. I hope you, dear ones, can continue to stay in peace and calm, and let the Divine plan unfold. Know the plan is working out in Divine’s favor.
And as lightworkers, we have achieved the impossible. Please continue to hold your powerful light dear angels. Know that we are almost there, almost indeed.
I love you. I am your Mother Divine. So it is.
Linda Li