Special Message from Archangel Michael ~ The Divine Masculine Support the Divine Feminine
LoveHasWon Special Message
By Archangel Michael of The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Discover here who we are
Greetings Dear Ones, many changes have come to pass within these energies. The changes come if you allow them to transform you. The transformation of old, into your genuine and authentic Being, which is Love in physical form. We have notice the struggles from the Masculine in keeping up with these energies. The masculine have been deeply programmed and conditioned in their old ways of being, continually severing their connection to God=Love, and staying in a perpetual state of imbalance of the Divine Feminine within. Let us delve deeper into these imbalances, and how they are affecting the collective. As Always Dear Ones, Awareness transforms into consciousness.
All Carry Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies
Both Man and Woman have Divine Masculine and Feminine energies within. This is part of the Divine Blueprint of the Soul, which is the mirror image of our spiritual parents, Mother of All Creation and Father of All Creation. All whom incarnate on Earth, created by Mother of All Creation, have a soul. The Ascension occurring is the full, whole anchoring of the Soul, which is the Higher Self, into the Physical Manifest. The energies which have been pouring on to, and through, the planet for many moments now, are to bring all into a balanced state of being. We refer this state as Balanced Harmonics, the physical and spiritual balance state of the soul. For the Masculine, the balance state is 51% Masculine Energies and 49% Feminine Energies. For the Feminine, 51% Feminine Energies, and 49 Masculine Energies In 3D, the feminine support the masculine. However, in the higher dimensions, the Divine Masculine support the Divine Feminine. This is the Natural State of Being, with the Heart, Brain, body and Soul. This is the Divine BluePrint.
Humanity has never experience this state of Being as they have been stuck in lower consciousness due to the programmed ego mind. This state is based on imbalance and sought to put the Masculine and feminine out of balance and at odds with one another. This was intentionally done by the old controllers, to keep Humanity as their primary food source of energies, The mind… the ego, is an illusionary construct of programs based off limitation. For clarification, the Brain is NOT the mind.
God has no limitation, and you are all children of God… children of the Heart…. and therefore you are God. One can not come into Balanced Harmonics while still holding on to any aspects of the mind, which is lower consciousness. One can not be both in illusion and in True Reality. Only what is Real and True, can exist in the higher dimensions. The Heart and Soul are Real…. The mind… ego, are illusion.
Transformation occurs through awareness. When one is aware of their inner turmoil, which is the Armageddon between the mind and heart, transformation occurs and becomes less painful and less strenuous. Your Ascension is a physical one, which means that your body is also coming into balance, as this is the totality of your Being coming into Balanced Harmonics. Your body is Divine Intelligence… a masterpiece of creation, it has been denied. The body will guide you on what nutrition is needed in the moment, and what energy blocks may come up throughout our spiritual journey. I say “Our” journey, as your journey is shared with All of Creation. The concept of the “individual journey”, is linear and based on lone wolf conditioning and the separation based EGO programmed mind. The I AM is Truly the We Are, for We are All One, in Unity consciousness connected to the Unified Heart, which is Mother of All Creation’s Heart.
Struggles of the Divine Masculine
The masculine have been in a very unconscious, and living in a dumbed down state due to many factors… left brain usage, disconnection of the right brain, patriarchal conditioning, environmental conditioning, and much more. Many on the path back home into the heart, have been struggling due to the frequencies of;
Power Over,
Delusions of Granduer,
Asshole Conditioning,
Bitch Conditioning,
Lack of Awareness,
Lack of Perception,
Lack of Wisdom,
Thinking They Know Better,
Want to Know More,
Lack of Trust,
Lack of Faith,
Lack of Integrity,
Lack of Honor,
Lack of Compassion,
Lack of Passion,
Lack of Accountability,
Disrespect to the Feminine,
Lack of Self Love,
Childhood Trauma,
And many more. These are not traits of the Divine. They are ALL lower consciousness and are life-draining. Thinking your Divine, and Being Divine are two different paths. The mind thinks a great deal, and can not Be. We reHeart you Dear Ones, God is a Feeling… not a mind trap. Many are stuck thinking they are God, or perpetuating a fantasy of what God truly is. God is Love, and felt throughout your entire Being. It is a constant choice of Love, Being Love, Acting in Love, Responding in Love. One embodies these traits and more in all moments. If you are not, you are not doing your spiritual work, nor are you fulfilling your contract to the Ascension of Mother Earth.
The lower masculine support the lower feminine, when the lower feminine feeds them, whether willing or unwillingly. The dark feminine namely, Lilith, Kali, Isis and more have had the agenda of keeping the daughters of the Divine Mother, in lower consciousness such as:
Queen Bee,
Power Over,
Succubus (taking of energy through words, actions, sex and other abilities)
Power Over
Victim Consciousness,
and many other lower traits, which stripped the feminine of their true power and essence. The masculine perpetuated these lower traits within the feminine by enabling their dysfunction and within themselves. Both placed Lilith, Isis and Kali on a pedestal over the Divine Mother, having forgotten their true essence.
Part of accepting the Divine Feminine is having to surrender to the Divine Feminine, to the Divine Mother, to Love. All of which the Masculine are having difficulty with, as they are mostly choosing to hold on to the old way of Being, the 3D paradigm where they were serviced. WE ARE HERE TO DISSOLVE ALL LOWER FREQUENCY AND OUR SESSIONS GUIDE YOU AS TO HOW.
Divine Masculine & Feminine Traits
While there are lower traits of the masculine and feminine, there are highers traits which reflect both our beloved Mother and Father of All Creation. Many of you may have experienced these traits within the journey. These traits are not something which occurs in the moment. These are your natural born states, such as;
Laughs Often,
Always in Joy,
Feels Abundant,
Always Shining Their Light,
Placing Mother First for Everything,
Always Positive in Thoughts and Vibrations,
In Childlike Wonder,
Embraces Full Responsibility for their Experiences,
In Tuned to their Feelings and Intuition,
In The Present Moment of Now,
In Unity Consciousness,
Is of Service to GAIA, to LOVE,
and Always Unconditionally Loving.
These are the traits of Our Mother and Her Daughters:
Child-like Wonder,
Laughs Often,
Lovingly Contagious,
Brings Joy to Others,
Divine Intelligence,
Inner Strength,
And Always Unconditionally Loving…
Lack of Support for Mother of All Creation
While Mother of All Creation has been doing everything in her power to achieve success in Her ascension and the planet, the journey has come with very little support in every facet. Humanity did not choose Mother Earth, which Mother of All Creation, Prime Creator, the Holy Spirit is the incarnation of. As all energies need to be processed, those whom did not choose love have their energies being processed by Mother of All Creation. She is going through much pain and suffering due to Humanity’s defiance. The lack of the support from the Masculine has been endlessly damaging, as they have forgotten how to BE Divine Masculine. The masculine have had no example of Divinity. 3D has flipped True Reality….
In 3D there is Fear, in 5D there is Love.
In 3D there is Separation, in 5D there is Unity Consciousness.
In 3D there is Time, in 5D there is Moments of Eternity.
In 3D there is limitation, in 5D Infinity.
In 3D, there is programmed ego mind, in 5D the Heart, connected to the Unified Heart of Mother of All Creation.
In 3D the Feminine support the Masculine, in 5D the Divine Masculine support the Divine Feminine.
Mother of All Creation is pure Love, and only pure Love can be in Her Presence. She is the example of Love… of God. Any unconsciousness has to leave to her space, as she immediately goes into processing of energies and experiences physical pain in the process. The mind… the ego, is simply poison to Love.
The masculine are having difficulty keeping up as Mother of All Creation keeps raising the energies. Deep residual wounds come up for transformation, continually here in Her field until they are fully let go of. Mother of All Creation… Prime Creator pushes forward as that is what Love does. She has proclaimed Love to BE on this planet, and so it shall BE. All of Creation support Mother of All Creation fully. With or without Humanity or masculine support, She has and will move forward with Planet Earth=Heart’s evolution. This is a done deal.
There is no energy to support the old paradigm, it exist from taking energy from one another, this is why Humanity have been enslaved. Many of you have already bore witness to these dynamics, with the societies becoming increasingly unstable, the human collective is very reactive, incoherent and are experiencing many other De~Ascension Symptoms. The energies are in support of Mother Earth… Because She is the Divine Director of All Universal Energies. All whom do not support Mother Earth, Mother of All Creation, Great Spirit, cannot be on this planet, they will phase out through death or accident and will not be able to reincarnate. This is the last life of reincarnation, the last chance to Return to Source Consciousness and it must be PHYSICALLY done. Those whom support, honor and love Our Beloved Mother, receive everything… All of Love’s dream and wishes. We are here to guide you Dear Ones.
Accept, Embrace and Allow these energies to flow, transform and restore your Divine Connection with our Beloved Mother of All Creation. Let go of All resistance to The Divine Feminine, to Our Beloved Mother of All Creation… to Love… to Transformation… to Change. Let of the mind… the ego, and choose the Heart.
I bow in Unconditional Love and Honor to all those who have chosen the Path of The Heart and assisted in anchoring the energies of Heaven on Planet Earth=Heart. Your Are the Brave, The Mighty, The Christed Ones, The Winged Ones of many Prophecies… and Eternally Loved by All Creation.
I AM Archangel Michael, always of Service to Love, to Humanity, to All Creation, to Mother & Father of All Creation. Love Fearlessly and Always Unconditionally. Blessings and Namaste.
Your Eternally Loving Brother,
Archangel Michael