Reminder – HEART – Pleiades

We greet you now in this moment of history of your planet and all the planetary bodies existing within your cellular structure of the cosmos. Cellular structure of the cosmos as is known as the galaxy in which you dwell. And all such galaxies, and all that exists. For all is divinely guided and perpetuated by the will of unity consciousness. Unity consciousness which has brought you into the awareness space within which you are presently finding yourselves in. Unity consciousness is that which has allowed said events to occur in your world. Events of great magnitude and magnification of all that has indeed been hidden from view, exposing for all to see the necessity of change in the current times.
Blessed are those of you who forego the undesired effects of said reprogramming, and are able to tune into your hearts codices and remain in your hearts space, apart from the agenda that your media is imploring you to believe, for in truth, the energies of your planet are rising, sequencing a new era to promptly land on your shores, a new era of benevolence and might, benevolence and cocreation, benevolence and true understanding of all that is.
And so, in the turbulent times in which you are finding yourselves in, the duality of your world is compromisingly displaying itself for you now, prominently displaying itself and presenting itself for examination, and unification. For indeed through the separation that you are currently experiencing, much unity is obtained, for all are focused on one outcome, and one outcome only for your planet, and all its inhabitants to be shielded and protected from the “enemy” that you see before you in a form of a “virus”.

Archangel Raphael Disc: Opens and Heals the Heart, Assists in Healing. Helps to Develop Intuition. Brings Harmony, Wisdom and Love. Primary Chakras: Heart Charka, but AA Raphael’s disc is a versatile tool which works on ALL chakras in the body.
And hence, the truth is such that behind the seeming plethora of misinformation a grand opera is played out, in which that which no longer belongs on your planes of existence, no longer belongs on your shores is being removed, and a new coherent cooperation ensues. For in truth albeit the seeming separation, all are coming together now, with one purpose and one goal in mind.
And so, your world is changing rapidly for you now, as has been showcased to you for years leading up to this very moment, and this is of a positive nature, for all is unfolding as it should, as has been intended by your universal unity consciousness. The duality must go, and unity prevail, oneness, unification, for the good of all involved.
For in truth, you have always been ONE UNIT separated only by the illusion that you have placed upon yourselves in order to experience the veil of forgetfulness, the veil that has placed you onto various octaves and created a disharmonious song for you to experience such duality of being, duality of existence in the physical form behind the veil of forgetfulness, and yet it has always been your desire to unite into one whole, one whole from which you have all originated in order to experience a different world, a world of remembrance, a world of inner knowing, truth and complete connectedness to the ONE, to the source of all that is, in order to experience true heaven on earth as it was meant to be.
And so, in order for such experience to unfold, it is of uttermost importance to release, let go and purify all on a collective conscious level, for all must change, and nothing can stay the same as it has been, for in order for said experience to occur all must let go of their identities in order to truly shine through with the light of their souls, the light of their souls, and their heart codex.
All must align onto one octave and join together in order to beat as one universal heart, and sing one song of benevolence, cooperation, trust, peace, harmony , bliss and love.
And yes indeed for many of you this may sound absurd, this may sound as if you are being asked to give up your identities and be part of a group, be part of the “herd”, yet in essence, the true intentions is for you to remember the uniqueness of that which you are, and to shine your light through, bypassing all the programming that you have indeed acquired on your journeys on this planet, and to finally tune into the understanding of that which you are and the understanding of BEing, Being and, yes indeed Being part of a group, part of society in which you can truly shine all the color and share your brilliance and uniqueness, instead of following the dogmatic path that has been laid out for you in ages prior.
And so, FREEDOM OF THOUGHT begins with FREEDOM from outdated belief systems, outdated dogmatic thinking patterns, outdated societal structures, in order to connect you to the truth, and align you with the right path for your own souls journey.
And so, how does said experience presently unfolding on your planet play into the the grand plan? The answer is simple, the grand plan is to align all to their very unique and at the same time UNITED octaves of BEing, by shedding the particles and particulars of the past and releasing all that no longer works in the present reality and bravely walking into a completely new territory which has not yet been experienced on your earthly shores.
And so, and thus, the events unfolding before you are asking you to LISTEN TO YOUR HEART AND TUNE INTO THE VERY CENTER OF YOUR BEING IN ORDER TO CONNECT TO THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS AND DRAW THE TRUE INFORMATION ABOUT THAT WHICH IS OCCURRING IN YOUR WORLD, THE TRUTH that we spoke of before is unfolding in your reality by shining the light upon your “media” and allowing all to SEE the TRUTH to see that indeed that which is being presented to you is not at all what it seems, to learn to HEAR your OWN truth, and MOST IMPORTANTLY TO FIND BALANCE, PEACE, HARMONY WITHIN amidst the chaotic unfolding.
Listen to your heart dearly beloved children of the stars, remember the reasons that you have come onto this planet, remember the true calling of your heart and follow suit, follow suit and keep your vibrations high for all to experience said high vibrations. For your participation in creating positive vibrations is of the highest importance and we ask you to stabilize all the fear based programming within you, to pinpoint said programming and to release said programming into the light for healing and transmutation, we ask you to be diligent to your chosen momentum and to abide by the principles of LOVE harmony and bliss vibrations, remembering your power and walking steadily on your path.
For indeed you have been prepared well for the mission at hand, you have been prepared, preordained, preorganized and equipped with all that you need in order to rise above the plethora of negativity and lead the way for humanity enlarge, lead the way, for all to follow suite and awaken to the truth of their inner being, the truth of their hearts uniting into one solid front in order to finally align with all that is and a new journey for all of humanity to begin. It is that which has been chosen by all to experience on your planet, it is that which has been requested, by every being that resides on GAIA and it is that which is to unfold in proper succession and make way for a new age unfolding before you. Stay true to that which you are, stay true to your hearts.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.