maandag 6 april 2020

Energy Update: 3D/4D/5D Timelines Playing Out During This Great Awakening ~Jelelle Awen

Energy Update: 3D/4D/5D Timelines Playing Out During This Great Awakening

Many timelines are running right now during this catalytic, stormy time of transition and death/rebirth! What you experience of these timelines as your ‘reality’ seems to depend on where you tune into them and from what consciousness frequency you are feeling them from. There isn’t a ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ or ‘better’ or ‘worse’ in this or the ultimate TRUTH it seems. The opportunity here is to feel what your soul is drawn to feel and see, know about, which timelines call you to go into them in a deeper way and WHY. 
Each of these timelines is a portal and you may be drawn to certain ones in order to feel your resonance on a soul level with the story being told there, the emotions being experienced, and the energies being generated. You may find parts of yourself and soul aspects in these timelines, living out and stuck in trauma loops from this life and other lifetimes. You can offer compassion to these parts of you and soul aspects that may be on battlefields fighting, inner children trapped in dark places, experiencing collapse/starvation/plagues/extreme crisis, and many more. 

In this way, from an ambassador of love perspective, ALL of these timelines are true and happening….being created and energized by those who alchemize them and need to be validated as such. We are always creating our own realities in that way; we are THAT powerful. I felt I would share more about the timelines that I am seeing and feeling are playing out and offer some suggestions of where you might go into them in self discovery exploration beyond gathering information, beyond contentions about who is right and wrong, and beyond stuck places of undigested fear or anxiety either. 
3D timeline – You may have loved ones around you who are firmly anchored in the 3D timeline of believing only what they see/hear/are told of reality by the mainstream media, ‘surface’ government, long conditioned and programmed to follow and conform. They may be mostly in survival mode and so the Coronavirus shut down may be quite disorienting and uncomfortable for them. In this timeline, there can be quite a lot of fear, panic, distrust, and even paranoia fueled by a deep fear of physical body death, anxieties about money, no sense of bigger picture of Divine support/trust, and stronger anchor to 3D Matrix reality. 
For these souls, this is a crucial ‘stay or go’ phase for them, where their Higher Self/soul is feeling into whether to remain as humanity moves into necessary 4D death/rebirth phases to emerge into 5D. These are the souls that may be choosing the Coronavirus as a means to leave the planet at this time having lived out their opportunity to experience a 3D reality in their bodies. Gaia no longer offers the opportunity to experience a solely 3D-based experience. There is much compassion and love that is being offered those in this 3D reality and yet, also, it can be challenging to relate with them in these fear frequencies and discernment/boundary setting is important to not be an object of projection, contention, and abuse from them. 

Connecting with your 3D Self can be helpful here to feel their relationship and even attachment to this timeline:

3D/4D timelines – 4D timelines are those that aren’t always obvious to the majority of consciousness; they are more hidden and operating in the shadows. There is also an overlay going on with concurrent events and energies happening in the 3D expression projection of the timeline and at the 4D multidimensional/galactic/metaphysical levels. A strong 3D-4D timeline playing out right now is the Q/Alliance/Trump takedown of the Cabal with mass arrests, rescue of trafficked/abused children, revelation of the Satantic elite cult under ultimate Archon AI influence, etc. This timeline is the one that can be seen and felt when you move beyond the 3D/mainstream perspective, do some digging, begin to ask more questions, and start to follow your intuition. 

There is also a 3D/4D timeline of seeing all governmental energies as coming from a New World Order agenda (including Q and the Alliance) and that current events are just proving this out with things like 5G rollout, global currency, marshal law, etc. the ultimate playout of this timeline. These timelines offer deep rabbitholes to venture into that are intense to process and bring up much to explore and feel within your own emotional body and soul field. There is much polarity sorting itself out in these timeline of good vs. evil, love vs. fear, battles to be won and lost, False God versus ‘Real’ God, Heroes and villains, etc.
As these timelines are becoming more revealed to the 3D mainstream one and as the two worlds ‘collide’ as more souls awaken to them, there will be much to digest and process for many souls. Some will not be able to accept this reality and will choose, again, to leave the planet at this time. Others will get quite caught up in understandable outrage, despair, distrust, cognitive and emotional dissonance, and numbness/disassociation. The collective will go through the stages/phases of grief and those who are awakened to 5D reality will be hugely helpful during this processing and digesting time. 

Connecting with your Gatekeeper and open up soul aspects and other lifetimes:

5D timeline – This is the more embodied sense that heaven on Gaia is already possible and can be accessed at any time by those who want to bridge to it and download it. Those anchored to this timeline have consciously and purposely gone through their own soul-led awakenings, death and rebirth processes, deep inner shadow work on personal and soul levels…and continue to do and be so as is needed. This 5D timeline offers what is possible to experience on this planet…..the remembrance of what our soul knows is possible of love, Unity consciousness, equal distribution of wealth/abundance, balanced resource allocation and usage from the Lemuria/Atlantis timelines and from other galactic, higher frequency timelines as well. There is a sense of Star Family support, communication and connection that provides a bigger picture sense of the technologies, DNA activations, and downloads that are available.

From this place, there is a sense of observation, deep compassion, and offering love to ALL souls and all of the timelines that are playing out. From this place, there is a sense of honoring all that is happening and, at the same time, offering an invitation for those who are drawn to move into a place of deeper trust, love, peace and acceptance in their daily reality…starting from within. 

Here is a guided meditation to connect to a bridge to 5D:
This is a definitely a deeper phase of humanity’s great awakening. An intense birth canal of necessary death and rebirth to move into the New. Whatever phase/stage you are at in this process, whatever timelines you are choosing to understand and BE in, there is much love and compassion from the Divine toward us ALL and a steady beacon of love that we can tune into any time that we need it. 

Jelelle Awen