Ascension and New Earth Shift Symptoms
By Shekinah Rose/Blue Ray
Transformation of the Human through the Feminine Body Template
Jupiter–Pluto conjunctions in 2020 through the Goddess Pallas Athena, an asteroid archetype of feminine power, are assisting in the uplifting of the human biome via this frequency.
The empath sensitives may be experiencing very powerful cosmic energies of ascension, the new earth and current group consciousness. Three Jupiter–Pluto conjunctions in 2020 are with the asteroid Pallas Athena, the warrior goddess known for her wisdom, genius strategies on the battlefield and feminine magnetism.
There may be a new kind of battle that is not as plainly seen as on the battlefield; it may be cloaked and hidden as a few elements all at once, where the Light warrior of new strength and spiritual power is emerging on a new playing field of frequency.
The new tactic of this seeming war is the awakening of dormant DNA armoring that cannot be altered or manipulated by beings or outside the frequency state of resonances. Superhuman radiance by the higher holy frequency of Creation. And the unity divine grid, a divine power resonance field that can be tapped into to override a lower density system through the electromagnetic frequency you generate by your spiritual holy power.
Ascension and New Earth Shift Symptoms/Transformation, Current Consciousness Transformation/Healing
It is suggested to consult a healthcare professional for symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension, and though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process.
Embodiment Timeline Shifts
As your frequency shifts to a higher vibration, the ascension codes activate breakthrough energies of connection and embodiment of higher timelines.
Synchronicities and ah ha moments of the new you and your new place and how you fit more perfectly and harmoniously in your life.
Times of being more emotional and feeling very vulnerable
You are never more NOT alone when you ARE alone as that is when frequency can be at its peak. When you feel lonely, know that the increase in light codes is bringing up original separation from our holy heart grid, Creator and home frequency. Circumstances as such that are creating an uncomfortable energy from “without” make a shift within in re-remembering and reconnecting to the telepathic divine heart Light grid, oneness and unity. Meditate ongoingly or as you are guided, to tune into a higher beautiful unity Love frequency that is much more available now.
Heart palpitations increase in light energies and processing; can be dramatic
Pressure at forehead and almost feels like a slight headache can be Light code activations and deflection of unwanted or invasive energies, and/or group consciousness. Drink more water with lemon or lime; lemon water can replace electrolytes, increase your vitamin C intake and is known to neutralize the free radicals in the body.
Times of nausea. Certain foods, especially animal products, carry a more collective frequency and, where processing is involved, a frequency in them many times through mutations. This may not be serving your highest vibration at this time; always tune into your intuition. Add more light from vegetables and fruits to your diet.
Exhaustion. Even though you may have a lot more time to rest, this can be stemming from various sources, one being the transformation happening through the sacred feminine template and empathic group consciousness. Movement, dance, stretching, yoga, tai chi, conscious deep breathing on the Light and breathing out Love. Gentle laughter will assist.
Periods of lightheadedness and feeling like your body is lighter
Increase in clairaudience; being able to hear more of the higher realms and dimensions. Hearing or experiencing a few different frequencies at once. This is a good sign; if you can identify the frequencies, then you can shift them.
Hot flashes, transforming the old energies at a rapid and accelerated rate
Lots of healing in dreams and dream work
Periods of forgetfulness
Super immunity; radiant health
New tools of the body DNA codes are awakening your super human abilities. Give the body template super nutrition, Light and cosmic energy from food, Self-care love and kindness. In so doing, you can abide in the higher frequency and multi-dimensional levels of Awareness and Divine Power.
You, beloved, are held within the harmony of Perfection and Light. All is truly well in the divine plan and divine original blueprint. Please come together in your empowered hearts of love and radiance, this divine power of sovereignty no one can take from you.