zondag 22 maart 2020

LoveHasWon Special Message ~ Bring it on Angels! By: Adama, a Guest Writer for LoveHasWon

LoveHasWon Special Message ~ Bring it on Angels!

By: Adama, a Guest Writer for LoveHasWon
Love you Momma, thank you for everything. Thank you for the air, water, food. For the earth to walk upon. God, it’s fucking beautiful. Thank you for full feeling restored. Thank you for being the catalyst and trail blazer for the New Earth. It’s gonna be so fucking awesome. Thank you for all your love, patience, strength, and compassion along this wild fuckin’ journey. Thank you for the equinox energies blasting out all egos, fuck them (lol). Such healing peaceful energies, thank you.

BRING IT ANGELS! Thank you angels for your service too, guiding us, protecting us, healing us and bringing us all back to Mom. Thank you St Germain, Robin, and all serving Mom and that have helped her thus far. May the New Earth be made manifest in grace, ease, and may all bumper cars and water slides be made manifest! 