donderdag 19 maart 2020

EQUINOX MARCH 2020 ~ Celia Fenn


With so much going on in the world right now, you may have forgotten that we are also now entering into the Equinox transit or portal.

This is the moment of Balance or Equilibrium, that signals the change of the seasons, from Winter to Spring in the North and from Summer to Fall in the South.

It is a time when we need to bring ourselves into balance, starting with the Heart, bringing ourselves into a place of Peace and Harmony. With ourselves, initially, and then with our fellow humans and with Nature.

Because we are all One in this Collective Field on Earth, when Nature is sick we become sick as well. Our healing is closely connected with the healing and balancing of nature on our Earth. And we start by creating Balance in our own Heart.

Right now, we are transiting some very unstable energies. On the 18th and 19th, Mars is at 22 degrees of Capricorn, with Jupiter, and Pluto is at 24 degrees and Saturn at 29 degrees. The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th, and the New Moon is in Aries on the 24th. Pluto and Saturn continue to fuel massive transformation in our society, while Mars amplified by Jupiter brings in a very fiery and aggressive energy that is also volatile.

But it can also be a fire of deep cleansing and creative new beginnings. Like the phoenix, we can rise from these ashes renewed and with a new sense of purpose for ourselves and our planet.

After the Equinox, on the 19th/20th of March, we move towards a joyous moment on the 2nd and 3rd of April when Venus transits the Pleiades, allowing for us to receive waves of Light Codes from Alcyone via Venus that will magnify Love, Beauty and Creativity.

So, at this time of the Equinox we can focus on bringing our Inner Reality into Balance, starting at the Heart. Then we will be ready to receive the blessings from Alcyone and the Pleiades as we move towards the Taurus Gate in May.

Have a Blessed Equinox!