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“A master does not fear life, nor death: – but stays focused on the Path!” (Judith Kusel)
“When one is called, one does not need to understand, one just needs to follow that call and trust that the Path will reveal itself, as on faithfully walks it!” (Judith Kusel)
We are entering an epoch, a totally new Chapter of Life on the planet in superfast motion now. It will demand, following the soul Call, and truly live one highest soul calling and purpose in ever higher and more powerful ways. One cannot shrink away from this Calling anymore.
Before the soul is born, the soul will sit in counsel with its Higher Guides, its Soul Group, with the Galactic Masters, the 12 and 23 Elders who surround the Throne of the Divine and the Divine itself, and will work out a schedule, a Master Plan and soul contract. The soul will review all its other lifetimes and existences and then will chose whom he or she meets in this lifetime to fulfill the contract. He or she will choose their parents, their place and country of birth, as well as its siblings. It will choose the framework for its soul destiny to unfold, and it ask those souls, who need to be part of this soul journey on earth to meet them along the way. Often these are souls with whom one has negative karma to clear, or who need to work with one, or whom one truly loves and would like to walk in partnership within some form or another while on earth.
So many souls forget this when on the planet. I find this when I get feedback on my Soul Readings, where I give the Soul Name and the purpose for incarnating: “I have always known this at a very deep level, but never lived this.”
At this time know that your higher soul self will prompt you to remember. It will pull you into the orbit of those souls whom you agreed to meet and work with at this time. It will bring a deep remembrance, as something within you starts triggering and as you start waking up to the Greater Divine Masterplan, as planet earth is rapidly ascending higher into the 5D and needs to accelerate back into the 7D, the original state she was born into.
As planet earth is revving up and as she is accelerating and as her vibrational frequency rise, we need to raise our as well. Otherwise we will fall off the bus, for our physical forms just will not be able to hold form anymore!
When the earth was formed, certain energy fields and energetic sun discs, crystal pyramids and crystal pyramid grids and crystalline energy grids where created into Mother earth. The immensely powerful spiraling energy, which works in tandem with the sun discs are now starting to reactivate, and some already have been activated, and this is causing an immense raising in frequency bands, spinning the 3D out and bringing in the 5thdimensional frequencies. More than this, the ancient sites are reawakening, the pyramids are now activating again, and we will go through immense and intense earth changes – which will way upstage the last immense Flood, remembered by all peoples on the planet who survived.
When I was in Greece and Egypt reactivating the ancient sites and energy fields and pyramids etc. I often had to do this, during madding crowds of tourists. It always amused me, that they walked mindlessly past the most powerful centers, and did not see for seeing.
When you truly wish to hide something, put it right in front of people’s noses, and they will not see for seeing.
There are many dimensional states existing simultaneously. If you walk soullessly through life, blinded by the opium of the masses, you cannot see for seeing.
The 3 D humanity seek evidence is what we can proof, feel and touch. The 5D humanity uses heart, soul, mind, and all their energy centers and are have mastered themselves to a much higher degree. They walk mindfully and soulfully and have a wide-open heart.
The Ancient lived in the much higher dimensional state and thus they stored records and energies in totally different way. They knew had mastered much higher dimensional technology, and we are still lagging light years behind.
When we finally start to raise our own dimensional frequency bands to that of the 5th and 7th we will be able to reuse these ancient energy centers once more.
But before we can truly do this, we need to step up in dimensional frequency bands.
We cannot do that when we are still stuck in the 3D programming, the 3D illusions and the 3D mindlessness.
We can only withstand the immense upgrades and shifts when we step into our hearts and not our minds. Our heart center is directedly linked to the soul and soul tunes into the soul group, and thus can travel and traverse the cosmos. It is not bound by physical form. It is Universal.
The ancient sites work with the heart center energy and not that of the mind. The mind can only stretch so far and not further.
When the heart and mind are beautifully balance and work in tandem, then one can reach the higher transcendental states, which are so necessary to access the higher soul self and the soul information.
Most people cannot do this, for their mind will conjure up a thousand reasons why this or that cannot be, while the heart KNOWS.
There is another factor though that we have forgotten about, that is our own energy fields. We have in truth 12 bodies and each body has its own energy field. The higher the frequency, the more the energy fields expand and the greater and more powerful the field. Now this field has sensors and it constantly giving you feedback about the energies you are encountering – that of other people, the places, the earth.
When you are sensitive to energy and energy fields, like I am, you start learning to read the energies and you can then start to read the whole, like you would read a map. This gives you access to far more information, via your heart center, than you will never get, just via the mind, and what it can access.
Why? Because the heart center has a far greater energy field than the mind. More than this the electromagnetic impulses of the heart, link directly to that of Mother earth!
If we wish to truly traverse into the 5th and 7th dimensional state, we need to attain higher degrees of mastery. You cannot attain that in the milling crowds, you can only attain this state within yourself!
Know thyself! Know your true soul and connect with it and its infinite knowing. Your higher soul self will bring you back to the deepest truths, which you will recognize within yourself. Not outside of yourself! Inside. There will be a deep resonance.
When one resonates at soul level with the Divine within and Divine Without then one can step into the higher dimensional state of true Oneness. For one in truth is one with everything and everyone and everyone and everything is you!
Yet you have the power to influence the whole energy field, just through the frequency and vibration of your own soul!
When we finally are so pure, that our own ego totally can step out of the way, and our higher soul self totally takes over, only then can be step into mastery.
We are not influence by mass hysteria, nor mass opinion. We do not need the outside to run our lives. We run our own life and we stand in the fullness of our own light and not in the shadow of others.
We walk that path alone if need be. Yet in truth we are the whole.
“A master does not fear life, nor death: – but stays focused on the Path!” (Judith Kusel)
The challenge now is to master life in much higher degrees through the power of the soul connected to the Infinite Core of all Being.
Our true soul self knows this.
For the soul is not bound by physicality – it is part of a much greater infinite whole, and thus can span dimensions and has access to all Creation.
There lie our highest lessons in mastery for the New Golden Age.
I have spoken!
Judith Kusel