What environment energetically/physically/vibrationally supports you creating, anchoring and accomplishing your own service work/role fulfillment as Love? What supports you CREATING, SHARING, INSPIRING, UPLIFTING and being the WAYShower, as well as a Contributing Partner in building/creating NEW EARTH REALITIES TOGETHER AS ONE?
As all realize that the space our bodies occupy determines our ability to be/do all.... then we start choosing different places/spaces and moving our bodies to those places/spaces that vibrationally support, shifting our priorities to constantly opening/expanding our own hearts, deepening our own connections, so that it's "easy" to fulfill, create and show up as the Change-makers, Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers, Guardians, Councils and Frequency Holders/Stabilizers and Anchor/Grid Points here.....
Your "office", or wherever you create from, is wherever supports EXPANSION, beauty, connection, inspiration and expansion on a heart-energy level too.... It can be anywhere and it changes, based upon whatever phases we are currently in (as well as the service roles we fulfill).
Mine have been many through the years... a bench in nature, under trees, by the water or even in my bed where I'm comfy, in "Heaven" and able to support globally, while my LightBody re-configures/builds until the entire process is complete so that I can get up and slam out various many other realities in-service, while always honoring what the NOW moment/energy presents... Over the years, as I became the portal, then it became wherever I was, so I turned every room into a place to accomplish/create, as well as anywhere I go is an opportUNITY for awesome, magical and beautiful connections and exchanges and ways to make a difference as LOVE too.
Since WE are the Cosmic Portals/Gatekeepers/Gateways, then we bring all through us and emanate all out into the entire world (Quantum Field), as well as our communities and every exchange. Everything becomes an opportunity to bring/evolve/shift all into a much higher state of consciousness, so everything can be simple/easy for all.... (Our Plasma Light-Bodies give us the ability to do this with great ease).
So, continue to GET CREATIVE and figure out where inspires you and supports expansion, connection, ease, flow and accomplishing more as LOVE in a multitude of ways too! ♥
It's fun to explore, play and just BE and let all flow out of you as LOVE... ♥