Artist: Kendario La’Pierre
MASSIVE Heart Chakra Activations currently happening From now until March to mid March:
Racing Heart, palpitations that are felt throughout the body, Heat radiating from the legs up the spine to your higher chakras.
emotional purging of old hurts, disappointments, grief, guilt, anger, wanting to be seen, loved, accepted.
Those of us on this Ascension path have “lost” a lot; if it wasn’t making us better it was left behind.
This can be a very lonely road to self redemption, self actualization, self mastery.
What’s coming up right now is DEEP but it’s not a new lesson; this is however the lifetime you conquer it.
The Heart in higher dimensions is connected to the Milkyway Galaxy- The Portal to all Dimensions.
So, by the grace of Mother Tara; this is the year we are going to FEEL.
We can do it Kicking, screaming, complaining but we have to return to trusting our e-motions. Our Hearts are our true compass so let it shatter, let it break, cry, curse, scream... FEEL.
There’s an underlying pulse right now. A jump was made and the heart that is connected to the ALL was affected and it is purging old realities and gets us ready to bridge a New World.
This is happening whether we know it, are ready for it, are trying to make it smaller than it really is; there’s a splitting occurring.
It doesn’t matter what other people are feeling, doing, it matters first that you set your thoughts clear on where you want this shift to take you.
So much love Starseeds on one of the most intense Timelines of our awakening✨✨✨