woensdag 5 februari 2020

Grace Solaris ~ Energy Update

After the 2-2-2-2 global group activation that we had on sunday with over thousand participants (thank you to all for your devoted hearts in service to All) I have entered into complete stillness in 0-point. 

I have not been much on fb or online other than posting an ode to love for my daughter´s birthday. I feel deeply immersed in stillness and called to the higher realms of light. I am magnetically drawn to go there as I am guided to be there in service... thus I went early to bed yesterday and have had enough sleep, and yet I am preparing to go to bed now, though it is only just 9 pm... and yesterday was similar. 

As we wake up from the dream and become more and more crystaline... AND our cosmic heart-brain, our dolphin brain is fully operational we are wake dreaming.... the more awake we get, the more we realize that our dreamtime is in fact much more real and true than our day awake time, which is simply a hologram projected onto an invisible screen, nevertheless we experience it as real until we experience self as consciousness itself witnessing itself from 0-point.

The dismantling of the great illusion of 3D and of time itself is escalating right now... nothing is what it seems... the only way to navigate this space without being deceited is thru FEELING, DISCERNING and being fully PRESENT in our heart, thru complete BALANCE within between our divine feminine and masculine, so that our heart-mind can operate as one and let us see thru the veils that are still laid out to keep us disalligned from truth.. .

however when we have cleared ourself of our story and the karmic wheel of separation and the mind slavery program, our hearts become illuminated by truth and our clair´s (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance) and multi~dimensional~sensory perception are our true allys and most powerful asset of navigation, that lights up all that is untrue and fake. Find clarity in the stillness.... be still... and step back from asking questions... 

all is revealed to you when and as you need it. Thru feeling you shall see with clarity and discern the true from the untrue, thru being you shall become an instrument of the doings of divine will. Rest in this knowing. There is nothing to do other than BE-ing. This is the divine feminine in action. Leading from the heart of 0-point, the cosmic womb of creation you become her doing. ~ 

Grace Solaris