The flame of purity will burn away all the dross, and will burn away all the illusions, all the excuses, all those imperfections until the soul stand totally stripped naked to the core.
Then, and then only can the diamond of the white flame be illumined and often through intense and utter pain – until the pain is ignited with the purest flame of LOVE which is totally, utterly complete all-acceptive, all-embracing, all-loving and totally unconditional of self and the twin.
That is the greatest challenge in this lifetime.
In that you, like all of your soul group, have to find this deep within you and in doing so, then the Goddess will truly make her power felt and then in that you heal, the collective heals and the karma and karmic residue can be cleared.
Then, and only then.
Those who serve the White Flame of Illumination know this. That is why they are here to cleanse and purify themselves first of all, so that the rest may be cleansed and purified.
This is ongoing for this work will not be done, until the all are purified for you are part of one single flame – the flame of Illumination.'
Copyright Applies: Excerpt from a Twin Flame Reading done by me.
Judith Kusel