The Event is Eden Being Resurrected Within Each One of You
By Grace Solaris
Humanity are going thru a major and radical transmutation as a specie from carbon to silicon based lifeforms. This is an ongoing transmutation, that has been going on for some years now. The pioneers of light starseeds, are paving the way for this mutation to take place within the collective mind and dna of the earth inhabitants.
What you name the event is an ongoing event of orchestrated major solar flashes, that happens within your being to finally break down matter within your cells. I have been observing this taking place in my body for quite some time, but have found it very difficult to describe, now I seem to find the words…. now being in the middle of some of these solar flashes break down of matter. Yes that is what it truly is… a break down of matter into anti-matter… and yes you are graduating into becoming beings of light, multidimensional light beings. You can literally say, that you are gravitating and are in the process of defying the physical laws, that you have been submitted to for many thousands of years. You are cutting the chains, that have kept you tied down and held in bondage.
This process is an individual journey, that is overseen and directed by your soul guides and team, which will be catered to your individual need and current light frequency. The solar flashes, that will be laser-ed towards your cells, will be causing small implosions within the cells… it will not only break down the density within the cells, it will also break down the narrative of the physical 3D physical realm and the rules bound to this realm, which have been interwoven with each cell, each molecule, tissue, bone and organ of our being. These high vibrational photonic light flashes will assist in breaking up the molecular structure in your cells to allow for a reorganising of the molecular compound into silicon as the basic fundament, which is very crystaline in nature and much less dense. All lifeform in the 5th and higher dimensional timelines are based on silicon.
It was what has caused you to feel confined within the physicality of a solid body…. however you were never truly physical… yes the chemical compound of your carbon based bodies held you in the consciousness and vibration, that you were dense physical beings. Thru the diligent training and focus of their consciousness the indian yogis and other masters of vibration could defy this reality for periods of time, but bottomline, this is the reality, that humanity has been confined to since the fall of consciousness after the sinking of the high civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria. Because of the cataclysmic shockwaves, that was caused by a series of incontrollable eruptions and followed by electro magnetic changes in the earths gravitational and electro magnetic field , your vibration abruptly dropped and your dna was subject to a multifaceted mutilation, if we may say so. This was both caused by the massive and instant drop of frequency, but also because of interferance in your dna strands and central nervous system and endocryne systems by entities, that had made it their goal to enslave the children of the earth. This was part of earth´s evolution and an important and necessary lesson to experience the cause and effect of not living in complete alignment with the light and respecting the universal laws of ONE.
This narrative is now been broken down, erased and dismantled… like dark cathedrals, synagoges and temples of disempowerment, obedience and endless suffering built on a fallacy of a space-time continiuum, which you know as linear time, which has caused your body to be entrapped in a solid mindset of linear time and programming of decay and death. Only the brightest of minds were able to defy this restricted version of reality paired with ancient knowledge of life prolonging prana breathing exercises, but to the most humanity has been held within the confinement of the karmic wheel of suffering and death throughout the last 30.000 years.
This transmutation process is now greatly escalating and those of the pioneers of light that are leading this revolution of consciousness are playing a massive role in transmuting the dna of the collective and rising of the vibratory rate of the planet. When critical mass is reached a global awakening of the collective mind consciousness will cause a massive reset and mutation of the human dna into your original dna source 1st light blueprint.
So please understand the event is no external occurance or event, but an internal revolution of consciousness. It will indeed happen to everyone on this planet, independently of their current consciousness level, as everyone and everything is interconnected, each one in their divine timing and pace, which again is depending on their inner commitment. However those that are working diligently on clearing their bodies of these ancient programming and are living according to the universal laws of consciousness will indeed experience illumination of their consciousness, as the veils and toxic mind programming, is cleared and released and replaced by higher dimensional consciousness love-wisdom, that is in coherence with the law of one. As you heal the rift of separation within your being and unite the fragmentations of your soul and bring source consciousness into your vessel, you will rise to become the angels of light, which you once were, the return of the bewinged ones is now. However it is a path or initiation, if you like, that you can only embark on thru personal commitment and clear divine intent, as living as embodiments of this 1st light of Lemuria, the undistorted source energy christ consciousness is an ongoing commitment of love, and not at least demands of you to live in full divine authenticity and integrity with the purest of light, the first light of Lemuria, which is returning in small flashes, if you like in the pace, that your body can contain without your “fuses” being blown, however your soul guides and team are overviewing and monitoring this process ongoing to make sure all will happen in the pace, that your body will be able to hold it.
These coming weeks there will be opening a series of 03-03-03 portals throughout December leading up to the Solstice and solar eclipse, that has started today, will be an extreme catalyzer for massive changes and major reset of consciousness. The beloved Arcturians and many other galactic beings of light are supporting the earth in this transmutation and liberation of consciousness, as they too will profitize from the ascension of this planet, as everything is inter-connected and they work untiringly for the light, as our brothers and sisters working from the higher realms of light to resurrect this planet back into Eden. I have been facilitating a series of monthly global group activations the last two years, which have each prepared us for this epic evolutionary planetary quantum shift, as it starts within each one of us, as we are a replica of the planet itself.
It is with immense joy, that we invite you to join us in the 12:12 (03-03-03) Portal, which will offer an outstanding and unprecedented opportunity to make a quantum shift both thru the incoming codes of light being ushered in and also thru the global group activation, that the Arcturians have already announced for the 12:12 and I am being prepared for. Please join us on December the 12th for the 0-point Infinite Fractal Activation Reset, which will promote a irrevocable re-set into 0-point and free the dna and cells from the distortion of your body and mind from the downfall mind slavery wheel of karma imprint.
Please read more and sign up by clicking on the link, if you are seriously in for change. All veils of illusion will be pulled away layer by layer as your cells awaken to their true divine eden blueprint. The Arcturians will clear the dna and usher in what they name the freedom codes in this epic transmission of light. Time to make revolution. No one is going to free you, but you. You are the ones you have been waiting for. Time is NOW to reclaim Eden.
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~ Grace Solaris and the Arcturians