Conscious Cosmic Energy
By Ailia Mira
Universal Oneness ~ The Oneness that IS:
A Direct Transmission
A Direct Transmission
Divine Light Within All –
We are one.
We greet you, as you – in a vast unified wholeness of limitless joy!
We speak to you as the light within you; clear, true, knowing and perpetually showing the way.
We REHEART you of this and more: you are flowing!
You are the endless ETERNAL light of Creation.
All is One and All is well.
Beautiful One!
The outer world lies within you!
You are all that and more.
Everything you see is you!
Everything that is, is you!
You have emanated into this human form and in this form
It is the tendency to give yourself over to your senses and orient primarily to the manifest world.
This is a rich experience indeed.
We invite you to enlarge your senses and perceptions!
We suggest that look and see – is it possible your senses and your sense perceptions are actually,
Within you?!
All this is is within you…along with the whole world!
There is no “inner world” and “outer world,” there is only Oneness.
Orient within and this is readily known as true.
It is natural to expand when you orient within.
To feel yourself open and your sense of being go far beyond your body and this life.
Your body. Your street.
The sun and sky, the Universe and All Creation.
All beings now before and yet to come (relative to your time location now)…
All of these… and all that is… are within you!
You are all that!
You are All.
In this knowing, you are conscious cosmic consciousness: All that is!
Nothing is predestined. Yet, all is known.
Everything endlessly new, and joyful.
Ever expanding and yet? Complete.
Freedom is expansive and yet, in embodiment, one loses sight of the territory: Life lies within you.
You are LIFE!
We say: know this not as a concept, but as a direct experience.
How? Go within and allow yourself to discover.
Close your eyes, sit still.
Place your attention on your spiritual eye and let the world open up within you, as you gaze within, with your eyes closed.
Feel the waves of energy that extend from you, and flow with them into your vaster Self.
This field of endless light is also expressing throughout everything you see, feel, stand upon and which is around you. Even your humanness is within the You we speak of here.
There is a singular vibration of bliss underlying it all.
Tune yourself to that. Let that energy of bliss sound within you the clarion call.
Return to a remembering deep within you that knows: I AM
I am eternal bliss!
YOU are Cosmic Conscious Energy!
Be renewed and strengthened by all that you are.
Dare to bring your attention to the light within you.
Learn to gradually shift away from the dependency on believing the material world is separate from
Inner experiences and the spiritual. There is no separation.
It takes practice and regular focus inward to learn to rely more and more on what opens within you. To truly see and clearly.
To orient there and let the world around you become accurately known as A WORLD within you.
Yet you are All and the Divine Power within is clear.
The magnificent experiences of life, emotions, and all that is physical arise from all that is, and are temporary; fluctuating dynamically.
The life energy that gives rise to everything is far more subtle, beautifully stable and known naturally, directly, within higher states of consciousness
Learn to rely on the clarity that comes from this inner orientation.
Awaken to the wisdom that lies within.