At a previous stage of our ascension, as we raise internal frequency, some will have seen/will see with our physical eyes, that EVERYTHING, literally everything, in all forms and states, is made of LIGHT particles. Yet even that physically sustained ability to see all form is made of light, is just an entrance point, to another Stage.
As we now have begun to ascend away from our previous CONSCIOUSNESS state of experiencing all things, we start to experience BY what was ONCE more subtle. We start to experience everything as energetic vibration. We become less the former human state of MIND, more the ENERGETIC HUMAN of spirit. We begin to experience we are ENERGETIC VIBRATION with a form, and so is everything else experienced as a VIBRATION of energy.
No longer is the human fascination, fixation or mental focus on FORM. Form can be that of solid matter. Form can also be words formed by thoughts that create expression OUT. Form can be actions, taken, formed as a creational expression OUT. At face value, form can be taken as just that: FORM, be that an object, thought form, word form or action within the frequency fields of the solid holographic realities within what we label as 3D and 4D bandwidths.
As now, one by one, we begin to experience a change to our own consciousness state, we access a higher energetic frequency of our all pervading consciousness, and what changes is our predominant perception; it becomes a perception that is non-solid VIBRATION based.
We increasingly feel the energetic vibration of all things. Be that solid form, thought form, word form, or act. Vibration becomes our navigation system. As we are BECOMING energy first, with a human body, we become the Awareness that knows it is ENERGY vibrating, via it’s physical, mental and emotional bodies. Our Awareness, predominant perception is AS the ENERGETIC body, the ETHERICAL body.
Since everything IS energy at a specific vibration, and we are energy, we can communicate with energy frequencies that reside as a thing or a no thing. We will have permanent, SWITCHED “ON” access to the Electric Highway, which is the blue stream electric network that ALL energy transits within. Examples of data transference just to explain:
1] Instead of just seeing an onion, it’s colour and form (3D), as energy in motion, we also feel it’s energetic form, via our own now DOMINANT energetic form of human BEING. We then as pure energy awareness can communicate with the energetic of the onion. Learn about it’s state, receive data from it. Communicate with it’s ENERGETIC.
2] Instead of listening to the words another speaks (3D), we can feel the energetic of the words, and receive, hear within, a higher vibrational language system that is ABOVE (in frequency) the words used.
3] Instead of listening to a bird sing, or call, we can tune into the vibrations of the energy emitted in that bird call, and understand not only that it is a light language at a higher frequency to the solid bird, but we will receive the data meaning of that light language.
4] Instead of just listening to a person speaking a Light Language, and not understanding it’s meaning at our 3D/4D state of consciousness, we will receive the data and meaning via our own elevated energetic state that is perceiving all as vibration based.
5] Instead of experiencing people as they are expressing themselves at their 3D and 4D state, we will experience their energetic vibration beyond the words and actions emitted.
2] Instead of listening to the words another speaks (3D), we can feel the energetic of the words, and receive, hear within, a higher vibrational language system that is ABOVE (in frequency) the words used.
3] Instead of listening to a bird sing, or call, we can tune into the vibrations of the energy emitted in that bird call, and understand not only that it is a light language at a higher frequency to the solid bird, but we will receive the data meaning of that light language.
4] Instead of just listening to a person speaking a Light Language, and not understanding it’s meaning at our 3D/4D state of consciousness, we will receive the data and meaning via our own elevated energetic state that is perceiving all as vibration based.
5] Instead of experiencing people as they are expressing themselves at their 3D and 4D state, we will experience their energetic vibration beyond the words and actions emitted.
We can say we already have experienced some of the above during each’s ascending journey. But at this stage of gentle step by step TRANSITION, our experience becomes VIBRATION BASED, permanently; a Consciousness that knows and experiences itself as an energy FIRST, with a human body. And so we will change into experiencing ALL things, form and non form, as energy FIRST...of a variety of vibrations. So, as we change over, this becomes a permanent switch “ON” or state of experiencing, as an ENERGY with a human body.
We shall perceive all as energy vibrations. Of variable vibrations. Our desire and fascination becomes us, to just BE ENERGY evolving, experience other ENERGY. We can choose which energetic to merge with, share with, exchange with. But this experience is not experienced by a 3D and 4D state of being. Because we are becoming a Consciousness of a Higher vibrational frequency, our way of perceiving and experiencing the world around us changes into that Higher frequency experience, permanently.
The human was once limited to seeing a limited colour spectrum, yet we know and some can physically see there are colours beyond that frequency spectrum of light.
The human was limited in what sounds they could hear, yet we know and some can hear beyond that initial human spectrum of sound.
The human was limited in what sounds they could hear, yet we know and some can hear beyond that initial human spectrum of sound.
We are becoming a human with a HIGHER FREQUENCY CONSCIOUSNESS, so our ability to FEEL and INTERACT with all energy increases. It becomes us. It becomes our PRIMARY way of being. We become a higher energetic frequency within. And so a new HIGHER FREQUENCY world opens up, filled with so much data of a higher frequency that is unseen at 3D frequency. This is the experience we become, and exist by, share from and BUILD by. As within so without. One step at a time.
One Love,
Amanda Lorence
6 September 2019
6 September 2019