~ You're Not Dying, It's The Schumann Resonance ~
By now, there isn’t one person on Earth that has not felt some kind of weird and unexplained physical symptom that makes them feel uncomfortable. Many do not understand why this is occurring, and some go to their doctor to find that there is nothing wrong with them.
by Michelle Walling, CHLC
In turn, doctors are realizing that there seems to be a phenomena of unexplained “psychosomatic” occurrences. There is scientific evidence that something is happening on the planet that is shaking the apple cart up at this time, and this evidence is from a Russian website that tracks the Schumann Resonance.
What is the Schumann Resonance?
The Schumann Resonance is a global electromagnetic resonance named by physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952.
The official description from Wikipedia is...
“The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.”
As you can see, the Wikipedia explanation says that we have had a whole lot of lightning lately if you read the charts that I am about to show you.
Regardless of whether what is happening on the planet is indeed causing more “lightning” or whether it is causing the equipment to pick up on something else, the scientific evidence proves that something is disturbing or spiking the electromagnetic frequency on the planet.
For thousands of year the Schumann resonance has been measured at 7.83 hertz or within shallow spikes of this depending on how many storms are on the planet at the time. A Russian website that can be found HERE is one of the only public sites that releases the daily data on the current Schumann fluctuations. The reasons for this are unclear but seem to point at the control of keeping the data from the public eye.
How does the Schumann Resonance Affect humans?
As a spiritual being merged with a human body, we also merged with the consciousness and energetic makeup of Earth when we were born into a human body. To stay in sync with the planetary composition and frequencies, the human body has an auto correct system that can re-calibrate to the environment when needed.
When the auric field of a human is not in sync, however, it is difficult for the emotional, mental, spiritual, and etheric bodies to sync with the physical body and the frequency of Earth.
At the same time, a burst in frequency of Earth’s magnetic frequencies can jostle any energetic blockages in the auric field that can cause the physical body to stay at a low or stagnant ELF (extremely low frequency).
Bursts of higher frequencies are a good thing for clearing of the auric field of the human, as long as it is done in moderation. For instance, if a person were to be electrocuted from a household electrical outlet, they may have a better chance at recovering than being struck by lightning.
The spiritual and metaphysical explanation of raising the frequency of the physical body is the higher the frequency, the less dense reality the human will be experiencing. The goal is to transform the dense, controlling reality we are experiencing in a way that unifies humanity in a love based higher consciousness while still existing in the physical body.
This can only be achieved by releasing the energetic blocks of the past and of childhood that keep one stuck in creating a recurring illusion of denseness and dis-ease in the physical reality. This will allow the physical body to vibrate harmoniously with the planetary frequency and to have a healthy energy flow within the body which prevents aging and disease.
If a human is stuck in old patterning and beliefs, or perhaps is lulled by complacency into a low frequency, then a burst of frequency can do one of two things. If the person has raised their consciousness enough to realize something is happening and is able to have an open mind and an open heart, then the person will begin to absorb these frequencies as much and as fast as their mind and spirit allows them to.
Absorbing these frequencies causes the water in the body to begin to vibrate at the frequency of the spike. This could cause many uncomfortable symptoms but in the end it is also a testament that something is really happening to our planet and to our consciousness.
A few of the most common symptoms of these spikes in electromagnetic frequency are:
Hot flashes — as the body vibrates faster it generates heat
Blurred vision
Vertigo (dizziness)
Irregular or skipped heartbeat
Unexplained pains that may linger to be acknowledged or may mysteriously come and go
Ringing in one or both ears. High pitched frequencies, harmonic tones, and/or sometimes temporary deafening
Mood swings as emotional blocks come up to be resolved
Extreme fatigue or extreme energy bursts depending on the kind of frequency experienced at the time and how the individual is dealing with it
Increased intuition, a sense of knowing or remembering things that guide you through difficulties, and increased sixth sense abilities (beyond touch, taste, feel, hearing, and sight)
Flu-like symptoms
Problems with bowels
Extreme hunger or lack of hunger- different then usual
Anxiety and increased fight or flight mode in the body
As you can see, if some of these negatively affected symptoms persist without the person doing things to help the body acclimate, it certainly could feel like the body would begin to exhibit more evidence of shutting down and may make you feel as if you are dying.
In fact, it is purging in order to be able to acclimate, very similar to how it deals with flu or viruses.
If a person is completely unconscious and is not a caring, compassionate human, (or is not a souled human at all) then these frequencies will irritate and disturb and will most likely not be integrated. Thus these type of people will stay at a low frequency and will not benefit from the incoming waves of energy.
It could even begin to cause their physical body to shut down because it will not be able to stay manifest in harmony with the planet’s frequency. Unfortunately some people are not handling this well physically and we are seeing people “leaving” at this time (dying).
There is certainly no judgment in this, as some people did not choose to go through this shift in frequency or simply did not have enough energy left to handle it, and no one ever really “dies” anyway. They simply move to another frequency outside of the constraints of the physical body and go where they need to in order to continue on their journey.
How to acclimate the body to accept the higher frequencies
There are many ways to help yourself adjust to the energies, but here are a few of the most common:
Meditation — not the kind of meditation to connect with astral beings or to have out of body experiences. Peace, pause, and breath meditation and focusing on energy flow works best, and open eye meditation is also good.
Grounding, or Earthing — Bare feet on the ground, spending time in nature, sea salt baths, swimming, eating grounding foods.
Asking your higher being (higher self/Source/Guidance team) to assist you in acclimation, especially if you are suffering.
Drink plenty of pure water! No fluoride.
Rest — the body has an uncanny ability to do much of it’s re-setting while it is asleep or lying still.
Loving yourself and caring for the body.
Gentle exercise — moving the energy to release blockages and encourage proper energy flow.
Whole foods — as opposed to processed or GMO foods.
Spiritual Counsel or Life Coaching with an expert who has an understanding of the cause and holistic treatments
Listen to your body and do what feels right to make it comfortable