vrijdag 5 juli 2019

Thursday July 4 2019 ”Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived” Andrea Balt.

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Thursday July 4 2019

”Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived” Andrea Balt.

A heads up! Deep breath………take it slowly, be gentle with yourself, trust in the kindness of the universal design as you start to register then acclimatise to what is being evoked, awakened and re-patterned in you by Tuesday’s total Solar eclipse. The event itself was not a one -off but a catalyst for seeding the next growth step in your evolution to 2020.

The next 12 days in this eclipse tunnel to the July 16th Lunar eclipse on Pluto are a kaleidoscope of sacred geometry multiple 5D energy bridges, gateways and choice points. Watch for sudden sideways elevators tilting your daily reality so that you suddenly slip and slide into radically new physical, emotional and soulful territory.

Just like a paper flower unfurling in a bowl of water, the key to gently expanding into your potential self is: allowing…….opening….softening........and expectant waiting.

This alchemical chrysalis process is being intensified by Saturn’s 2nd conjunction with the karmic South Node of Fate- a point of self-undoing. Choose to make old sabotaging patterns conscious and then release them. No striving - it’s time. Understand that you are in a grace period and down tools to allow the evolutionary burn to re-align you. Close down, let your energy leaks repair themselves. This is not selfishness, it is an act of enlightened self-interest. You're setting the trajectory of your 2nd life.

If you are a sensitive, an empath or working to help people wake up, it's time to pay attention. Because you, more than anyone else, need to stop, reflect and move on. The time for being a bottomless well, a never-ending resource, always available, giving away your knowledge, wisdom and love for free is ending. This radical astrology is taking you on to an entirely new trajectory -don't be sidetracked .

With Saturn in Capricorn with Pluto the emerging higher time-lines will compel you to re-draw your boundaries, pulling them in tighter and closer; permanently cutting ties with anyone who is a spiritual consumer, who feeds off your words and your energy, demanding more and more as a distraction or drama. From now on your mission is to engage only with creators, those who have already woken up. Your new template simply won’t tolerate anything else. Remember your tribes are your unconscious influencers/echo chambers - choose carefully.

Know what you want to change. Make two lists: what you need to delete or eliminate and what you are compelled to create. Weed out old entanglements. You are now in a moment where you get to review, rethink and recreate just about anything you want. This may involve any facet of your life. You have the opportunity to work from the roots of your existence upwards and outward. For now, stay close to the ground and work from your core reality. You can’t so easily relate to your past anymore. Your soul sees it all as just experience. There is less and less emotional attachment to it. It’s a blessing because it is making room for new memories. It is freeing you up.

For your energy to flow, for you to thrive, not just survive, you need to clear the river. So deliberately mirror it all by clearing your own karmic residue, toxins and emotional debris. Get offline and out into nature to allow the incoming Source Codes to activate. Earth yourself with your bare feet on the ground or in water as often as possible. Keep reminding yourself that this deep space eclipse wave is not theoretical - it's visceral, physical, integrative. The Language of Light is not head stuff, but is experienced, felt and somatic.