May was a MAJOR transition point for the organic timelines, Lemurian
grid activation and preparation for the 2020 energies. Note the floaty
sensations and mandela/timleine shift effects increasing. Remember we
are playing catch-up with these organic timeline migrations, so our
experience accelerates and intensifies - in a good way.
This is changing our perception of time, service and consciousness
itself. Everything shifts again to accommodate the New, especially for
those experiencing Embodiment. New article on this topic comes out on
June is a post-timeline shift transformation point. Let the Light do its work, and support the new consciousness.
We are changing personal and collective narratives with these timeline shifts. Be sure to
surrender old ideas of what this would be like,
and pay attention to the new presenting through the New Moon gateway.
JUNE 4 has been on the Gatekeeper radar for a while, the day after our
New Moon on June 3 at 3:02AM PDT. Override the timeline loops, they have
no effect unless you slip into repetition/old behaviors as a way to
feel safe.
We set our collective intention to migrate as many willing hearts to the
collective higher timeline in this now, and COMPLETELY SUPPORT those
who are experiencing Embodiment. It is a vital step in our Ascension,
and a surreal experience for first Embodiers.
A Few Reminders
Private Sessions are available in June, then booking is closed until mid-September. Please book your
June sessions soon.
Best podcast so far: There is a video version of the (very inspiring) Positive Head podcast replay available. Click on the podcast image below.
- UNITY MEDITATIONS now more than ever. DNA codes for Embodiment are available. See you in the field for our SUNday
Unity Meditations.
We are truly at an anything-can-happen point; let us use these
clean-slate energies to co-create Peace and Ascension for all willing
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!