donderdag 6 juni 2019

Quick Note ~ Jenny Schiltz

This summer is shaping up to be intense and beautiful. The Solstice Energies are already building and then we move straight into Eclipse season. We have a Total Eclipse on July 2nd and a partial lunar eclipse on July 16th.

I am heading out in a few days to the UK where I will be taking 14 amazing people on a Sacred Journey to Stonehenge & Avalon. We were very fortunate to secure a private session within the stones!  I will do my best to update and share as I go. I feel that this will be the first of many such journeys.

I called my mom yesterday and she said to me “Did you ever dream that you would do something like this?” I told her no, but that as a child I wanted to write and travel the world. She says “Well you are doing it!” It is amazing to me that as a child I knew exactly what would make my heart sing and now I am actually living it. All the missteps, crappy jobs, and perceived failures lead me to this spot, this time. I can look back at all that and see how I now pull from each of those experiences. It has all been Divinely Orchastrated.

There may be times when I will send out healing energies to all who would like from the Sacred Sites, to be included in this, keep an eye on my facebook page. I will post the opportunity to receive and you simply need to give permission to accept. If you are not already connected with me on FB, here is the link to the page.

When I return from Avalon, I will give myself a few days to recoup and then I am off again. This time with my family to celebrate my 25th Wedding Anniversary! I am still in awe & gratitude that I have a partner that grew with me!

With all this travel it means is that I will not be available for Private Sessions until the week of July 8th. You can absolutely secure your spot now for that time by going to
I will be holding an online Group Healing Circle On Thursday, June 27th. We will be focusing on the endocrine system as it is struggling in these energies. When the endocrine system is struggling we can feel “wired and tired”, anxious and have bouts of depression. The mind can race, fears escalate and we find ourselves unable to ground properly.

These energies can be tough on our bodies, moods, and relationships. By taking care of yourself energetically and coming into balance you will bring more flow and ease so that you can handle all that is coming in.

The session is recorded so that you can listen again and again and continue to heal and balance your system.  You do not need to be present to receive the healing. Click here for more info:

I hope that that the next month brings you peace, deep knowledge, and magic. So much is changing and quickly. It is truly amazing!

Sending you all lots of love,
