zondag 16 juni 2019
Immensely powerful changes are pouring in ~ Judith Kusel
Immensely powerful changes are pouring in.
This weekend I was literally being cleaved open to the very core of my heart and soul. I had to go very deep within for answers, as I know all of this is but a preparation for the immense work which needs to be done in Delphi, Greece and Egypt, on my tours there.
I was again told, that those souls who need to be there, will be there, for the call will be greater than their fears, or whatever it is that is trying to hold them back from coming. Their soul knows, and it is the soul now which is calling and remembering the call.
I was shown the Greater Cosmic Masterplan and how all is perfectly orchestrated.
The immense earth shifts are pouring in, and as these happen, catalysmic shifts are upon us. Even dormant volcanoes will start getting active again, earthquakes, tsunamis, and whatever else. The planet is in a massive rebirth phase. This is nothing to fear, but rather to embrace. Your soul knew this before you were born, otherwise you would not be here.
As these immense changes occur, remember that humanity has to be able to shift with the changes. As a collective we will have to master the waves upon waves of changes, and BECOME it.
It is a process of LIQUIDATION.
You will literally feel yourself dissolving at times. You will not quite know what is happening to you. You are being transformed, yet at the same time the old you, is being transmuted into a different and much higher version than the old you!
This liquid you, is liquid crystal. Every atom and particle of this liquid, already has the DNA programming withn it, for the higher version of you, now ready to be rebirthed in the next few years. As the rebirthing occurs, you will assume a much lighter, higher frequency body, and it will look the same, but it will be different.
This not only happening to humanity, it is happening with ALL lifeforms on planet earth.
During this process, the only thing which will stay stable, is your SOUL.
At times you mind will boggle, you will just not be able to comprehend the drastic changes, you will not be able to stretch your brain and mind so far.
I wrote the following this this morning, when I was given the answers I sought:
"In the process of being liquidized and being reinvented, as long as we try to grasp this with our minds we will fall. It is only the heart and soul which sees TRUTH and can expand into it and the whole process." Read this again and again. It will trigger keys and codes within your soul which are programmed within you, to trigger now at this time. It is a preparing you for the process ahead!
We are on the brink of something massive.
Yet, it is something to embrace, not fear!
We have been prepared for this for many lifetimes.
Some souls have worked towards this lifetime, after lifetime.
We are in it now!
Judith Kusel