zondag 16 juni 2019

Celia Fenn ~ As we enter into this powerful week of the Solstice

As we enter into this powerful week of the Solstice, we need also to remember that in the calendar of the Sacred Year the Solstice is the time in which we balance ourselves in preparation for moving forward into the next cycle.

In this case, we will have the Solstice on June 21st to balance and the two eclipses in July to prepare for the new Time Line and Time cycle that initiates in July/August at the Planetary New Year and the Lion's Gate (from 26th July to 8th August).

This year the Lion's Gate is the portal to the 2020 cycle, which is when we will enter into Full Embodiment of our Soul Energy as we create New Earth.

In this present cycle (2018/19) we activated the DNA template for the Human Angel so that we could align with our Divine Essence and express out true Being.

In the 2020 cycle we will experience the fullness of this embodiment and truly begin to live as embodied souls expressing Divine Creative Love.

So, if the energy is a bit rocky right now, just remember that you are balancing and coming into alignment so that you can move forward into the next cycle with confidence and peace.

Here goes.....