vrijdag 8 maart 2019

Being New Earth ~ Jessica

Being New Earth

A multi-dimensional portal for awakened and awakening souls on their spiritual and ascension path, co-creating New Earth in the ONE Heart we are 🌹
Dear sisters and brothers 
I trust all is well with all of you and that your heart and soul have been blossoming since we last connected in this way, as we are always connected in the ONE Heart. 

I feel guided and inspired after a long and transformative retreat here in Glastonbury to reconnect with you all through our ONE Heart and offer spiritual support and guidance for those on their spiritual awakening Ascension path and whom feel it would be supportive, healing and empowering. 
Through this time of retreat, I have experienced many spiritual inner dimensions, a deepening of my own connection to Source resulting in an increased sensitivity and heightened perception of the spiritual dimension within the physical dimension and I trust that what I have learnt and experienced can be of service to you on your own awakening path and spiritual blossoming. 
My heart has been longing to resume service through sessions-transmissions and I feel it is an auspicious time with this Pisces New Moon of Divine Flow and Inspiration and Uranus now in Taurus for the next 7 years assisting us to anchor and embody the 5D New Earth Light Frequencies of the ONE Heart in a tangible, grounded and manifested way. We are the awakened and awakening visionaries and builders of the New Earth through our own individual spiritual awakening and frequency of Love and Unity and together as ONE. And we all know it is a journey of deep transformation, personal growth, surrender and heart and soul empowerment. 
I am trusting the flow of divine unfolding as what will be created in the future in service yet I would like to offer spiritual support, healing, guidance and empowerment through Soul Healing sessions-transmissions and feel what will flow and be inspired from it in service. All sessions are energy transmissions channeled from the Heart of Source through Divine Mother Healing Grace and the celestial realms healing frequencies to support you energetically to align with your Soul and higher self on all levels with ease and Grace, serving your purpose and mission on New Earth with your unique gifts, talents and abilities, feeling whole, connected, grounded and inspired.
I look forward to supporting you on your Spiritual Awakening Ascension path-blossoming and continuing together to learn, grow and co-create the New Earth Paradigm of Love, Unity, Freedom, Abundance, Peace, Creativity and Infinite possibilities.

If you feel a heart and soul resonance with this offering kindly contact beingnewearth444@gmail.com to schedule a session. 

A session is about an hour long and the energy exchange is £108 which you can kindly send via PayPal at beingnewearth444@gmail.com

I intend to have a website up in the future where I will share insights and wisdom about the Spiritual Ascension Path and energies we are experiencing individually and collectively. Trusting the flow of Divine Inspiration and Will I AM 💚

To the joy of connecting in the Heart flow in service, Grace and Oneness 🌹

Love, Grace and Blessings 
Jessica 🌈