Over the last few years.... "softer, deeper, more powerful" ...
For those "new" to their LightBody.... electrical stimulation is "normal". Any "blockages" (linear/ego/constructs) get broken down with these... if the "blockages" are "too big/dense", then physical pain can build around the area as your Light Codes attempt to communicate/work through the density, break down the programming and so very much more.... as your LIGHTBODY establishes a whole new COMMUNICATION SYSTEM and PROCESSES....working through your neural networking systems in your body/brain.... (and sub-neural too).
There is a "grid", a "mesh" that is the "formation" of your reality ... the foundation for which you function from.... this is a part of how your REALity takes FORM....
The old gridding systems were built on old data, old programs, old information, old codes... all obsolete and "out dated"....
The NEW (Earth) gridding systems are VERY DIFFERENT... and on a cellular/molecular/sub-atomic level.... wayyyyyyy deep in your DNA.... these Cosmic Codes are re-working EVERYTHING..........
This MASSIVE EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS falls so far OUTSIDE the SCOPE of human comprehension, yet you, as your highest version/aspect of you... you get this, you know this.... and it's what you CAME HERE FOR... to be a part of.... to anchor/integrate/embody.... here.
From within YOUR PHYSICAL FORM.... your organic, living, breathing NEW PHYSICAL LIGHTBODY.... an intelligent bio-electrical suit so finely tuned.... so that your immense LIGHT CODES can fully integrate within every molecule of your body.....
Every moment for us is integrating the immensity of these magnanimous codes.... and learning how to function all over again ... a-new.... This process takes immense dedication, patience and LOVE for all of us ... to accomplish... every day here.
Honor your ever-evolving Quantum LightBody.... whatever phase it is in..... it needs your support, your cooperation.... as it's YOU in purest form... LIGHT. ENERGY. LOVE. PURITY. NEW. HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS EVERYTHING.... working it's way through you... to merge fully, giving you access to more than you ever had as a limited human aspect.....
This is your INFINITE YOU..... the one not living in lack, fear or distorted programs anymore.... this YOU is PURE....
PURE Joy, Pure Love, Pure kindness, Pure Deep Sacred Respect and Connected with ALL from deep within you.....
This YOU flourishes, this YOU is so abundant in every way, because you REMEMBER all and you understand in all new ways. You EXPERIENCE REALity very differently than your little human aspect did.... with exuberance, vitality.... full of bliss and magic with every peaceful breath....
Your NEW REALities are birthed from within you and as all UNITE to share.... as all UNIFY to uplift, support, inspire and BE THE NEW.... a whole new world is created, energetic brick by brick, stone by stone... building our new together....
I love you.... Embrace fully.... and be ready to step up and into all new roles again/soon too. ♫
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼☼☼