How to get through the Dark Night of the Soul💗💗💗💗 (a Poem by Licia Sorgi).
I've fallen into darkness, far from the grace of light
'Life or death' pervades me, no help can come to sight
Please, I cannot take the pain, it's torturing my soul
This suicidal hardship is taking such a toll.
Heartache, failure, emptiness- this life is just a lie
Is there a way out of this, or do I have to die?
My paradigm is shattered, life's meaning isn't there
Why can't I see the light I know? Now, I just don't care.
I'm lost, lonely and desolate- how did this come to be?
Fear and darkness have a death-grip on the throat of the old me.
I only grieve. I don't belong in the 3D anymore
My mirage clouds my intuition, I can't tell what's it's for.
I matter not, for I have failed- this loss is too intense.
My 'home', I feel it calling me- this does not make sense.
My systems do not serve me, nothing makes this right.
What's going on? I'll tell you now: You're going through The Dark Night.
Forgive yourself, forgive the past
We're in the now and this won't last
Don't look behind, don't look ahead
Just look within- with love, instead
Listen closely, brilliant one- for there is a way out
To surrender to the darkness, is what this is all about
Give in, give up, don't try, just stop Please, just let it be!
The conditioning of the mind has only covered your divinity.
Your constructs of reality have crumbled to the ground
The nothingness that remained was the blank slate that you found.
That darkness was only ego, the dark glasses that tinted life
These tainted glasses caused you upset, worry, worthlessness and strife.
The Dark Night dissolved these glasses, so you have clarity.
The only truth is we are source- I remember, yes, I see.
You will remember now your beauty, your grace, your inner light
The key to transcending this- it is to love, rather than to fight.
Just re-align your essence with source, as it never went away,
Meditate and do have faith- to feel peace every day.
When you feel 'connected', you mold your life like clay.
The light and joy that you will feel, will be with you to stay.
So, stop resisting! Thank it, for it has served you well
Now letting go and 'being' will end your inner hell.
They say 'It's always darkest before the dawn'.
For your Dark Night to be over- just let go, release, move on.
Forgive yourself, forgive the past
We're in the now and this won't last
Don't look behind, don't look ahead
Just look within- with love, instead
Your old paradigm was a mindset that hid your guiding star
Allow, choose love and just you be, the 'I am' that we are
Be grateful for your blessings, speak highly everyday
Have fun, allow and watch your life unfold in the most miraculous way
This dark night served a higher purpose, you knew it in your heart
This rite of passage reminded you: self and source were never apart.
You've helped humanity immensely, by lifting consciousness
Help other's in their Dark Night, by sharing what you know of this.
This sacred journey was so beautiful, be proud you made it through.
For as a bearer of the light, it's what you're here to do
Now take that slate: Create & celebrate- as it is now your time
When soul and source align, then you're love, you're bliss- sublime