woensdag 26 april 2017

Applying Knowledge to Gain Wisdom ~ Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
The alchemical transmutation of emotions, karma and trauma into Divine Love can turn our baggage into our greatest strengths. These energies support the process of transforming discomfort, doubts, fears, mental pollution, and personal belief systems into alignment with the New Template. This is the alchemical process of creating the New Temple of the Divine Self.

dinsdag 25 april 2017

LISA TRANSCENDENCE BROWN~ Re-Distribution Project/Process Continues: NEW Earth's Economy Stimulation for Crystalline Gridkeepers & Gatekeepers as Foundation Holders and Those Fulfilling Supporting Roles

Yes, there is an economic gridwork/system for all on NEW Earth. It's been a project "in the works" for many linear years now. It's been a re-distributing of the funds and resources from old earth to NEW, just like the animals and Soul's in Earthly forms walking, living, existing here too. Yes, this is a very real physical plane of existence....

De Raad: Geschokt, Klemzitten, Stuurloos / 21 April 2017 / Ronald Head

De Raad:
  Geschokt, Klemzitten, Stuurloos
21 April 2017 / Ronald Head
Er zijn er veel onder diegenen die deze boodschappen gevolgd hebben die een van de woorden in deze titel zouden kunnen oppikken om te omschrijven hoe ze zich nu voelen. We zullen ieder woord op z’n beurt behandelen om jullie een begrip te bezorgen en om jullie weer terug in jullie vertrouwd geworden energie te brengen. Allereerst, het vertrouwd laten aanvoelen van geaarde, verblijdende en waarderende energie, is voor een groot deel jullie verdienste. Dat is precies wat de wereld waarin jullie leven ombouwt.

vrijdag 21 april 2017


Breaking the Mirror Concept ~ Jenny Schiltz

  Breaking the Mirror Concept


We are deep in timeline collapses, personally and collectively.  For many, it has been an interesting time of feeling lost, like you are straddling two worlds or like you simply don’t belong in the one you find yourself in. With the collapsing timelines we are finding ourselves on clean up duty.

woensdag 19 april 2017





2017: In, maar vooral uit de comfortzone /16 april 2017 /Door Fran Tielemans

2017: In, maar vooral uit de comfortzone

16 april 2017 /Door Fran Tielemans
Dit is een jaar waarin angst, een gebrek aan moed en doorzettingsvermogen, net als zelfonderschatting meer dan ooit je weg vooruit kunnen hinderen, waarin voorlopers heel goed voor zichzelf dienen te zorgen, en waarin stilte en zelfreflectie meer dan ooit nodig zijn. Je zal aan jezelf en de wereld om je heen al gevoeld hebben dat 2017 een jaar van vernieuwing is, van koerswijziging, van grotere focus op je doel(en), van heroriëntatie, en vooral van concrete stappen te gaan nemen om jouw Hemel op Aarde dichterbij te brengen, Zelf-realisatie dus, en dat alles kan oncomfortabel aanvoelen. De innerlijke drang tot verandering kan heel onrustig maken.

zaterdag 15 april 2017


4:11 Portal Brought Through/Activated NEW Atomic & Molecular Codes to Affect Physical Bodies & Physical Realities: Time, Energy, Money, Perceptions, Multi-Dimensional Bodies & Physical Matter

  PictureNEW ENCODEMENTS for atomic and molecular structures with this last gateway have been altered to now evolve in a whole new way (again). These encodements affect how carbon-based human body functions on an atomic/molecular level that is unprecedented and brings us all into new territory/terrain now.... I will be sharing more as we go, as the changing of atomic/molecular structure of all physical realities is huge...

vrijdag 14 april 2017

You don't have a human body... you have a multi-dimensional body that was asleep ~ Lisa Trancendence Brown

You don't have a human body... you have a multi-dimensional body that was asleep, that entered the unconscious slumber "trying" to fit into a human existence and is now waking up to multi-dimensional existence finally/again here....

You have a "body" that is no longer able to suppress....
You have a "suit" to hold all of your light...
You have a vessel to carry you through to the other side...
You have a little ship.... that you steer, that you drive, that you often fly when you float to ascend...
You have a container that attempts to hold the PURITY that you ARE, yet it barely can....
You have a form.... that's it... a thing that you created to hold the vastness that you are... Universes/Galaxies and Pure Source Light in physical this physical here....


dinsdag 11 april 2017



Ware Kleuren....

Want ik Zie jullie......Ware kleuren....
Kleuren die Stralen als de Zon :-)
Verstopt onder een grijze waas van Oud.

Ik Zie jullie.....Ware Gezichten achter een 
grimas getrokken, verstopt....bang voor
de "naakte waarheid"    de pijn!

Want ik Zie jullie....Ware Kleuren prachtiger dan ooit!
Proberen zich een weg te banen uit deze chaos...de Jungle
die leeg en koud Is.

Jullie kunnen het allemaal hebben als je het maar Werkelijk
Echt Ja zeggen met Hart en Ziel.....dan verdwijnt de grauwe
en grijze laag en komen Je Ware Kleuren..Zichtbaar naar 
buiten Stralen, Zonder Angst ;-)

En de Schittering is er één die Zijn Weerga niet kent!

Want ik Zie Jullie.....Ware Kleuren♥ 

In Liefde, Janneke

donderdag 6 april 2017


We've had major downloads and upgrades since the 1st. Gamma, photon, star particle, diamond frequencies, all permeate through the cells, DNA, old programs, old emotional wounds, timeline shifts and collapses of these old programs. Each time major shifts come in it creates more heart expansion, more love connected to the higher heart, the pineal and the crown (higher self). All things keep surfacing that one keeps trying to bury and numb inside... until one is willing to feel, heal, release, forgive, let go.

Do you REALLY REALLY REALLY want a REALity that is FREE from all of the old? ♥

What are you "willing to do" (as love) for a whole new REALity that is fully exquisite and provides you with all that you truly desire, supports you fully, makes it easy for you?

Are you willing to focus on your own vibration, observe your own actions and take responsibility yet? Are you ready to JUMP, take that LEAP and go for it yet?

Are you willing to COMMIT to yourself as a SOUL, focus on your light energy, focus your own energy on CONTRIBUTING to all of HUmanity now?


Channeled by Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,
Even though you are aware that the current earth chaos is part of the structural destruction you have long pined for, it appears as if that destruction will continue for decades. Far too long in your mind.
Instead of fearing the chaos, remember that you have both new creation skills and skills from former lives allowing you to create a different environment for yourself.

dinsdag 4 april 2017


De energie van April / 3 april 2017 / door Fran Tielemans

De energie van April
3 april 2017 / door Fran Tielemans
Op dit moment zijn we allen toe aan meer makkelijkheid, vlotte stroming en vooruitgang. Of april een wandeling in het park zal worden, zal nog moeten blijken, maar de trilling is alvast een stuk lichter en makkelijker. April is een buffer tussen twee powermaanden – maart met zijn 22/4-trilling en mei met zijn 222/6-trilling, en heeft zelf een 5-trilling. Volop beweging, verandering en healing zijn aan de orde.

zondag 2 april 2017


Channelled through Natalie Glasson  31st March 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I, Master Serapis Bey, am holding the Ascension light for you now. I do so in order to assist you in the next phase of your ascension. With the presence of your soul more fully embodied within your being and merging with your personality, a deep and thorough cleansing is being activated. Purification and cleansing are common in your ascension process; each new revelation invites you to let go of old energies, habits or perspectives in order to make space for the new realisations to be embodied.


zaterdag 1 april 2017

Anchoring New Creation - April Ascension Energies and Light Language DNA Activation - Jamye Price

Lisa Transcendence Brown ~ ♥ WE Consciousness♥ Elevating & Expanding Consciousness Together

♦ WE Consciousness ♦ Elevating & Expanding Consciousness Together 
Aloha beautiful galactic soul family,

As we expand our own heart-mind consciousness, we can see that we all have important roles here, important contributions, yet "in the beginning", we are not quite sure what that is or HOW we are supposed to accomplish this.... 

JENNY SCHILTZ ~ Frequencies have Begun Separating

by: Jenny
Energy update & Quan Yin Channeling
The word of the day to describe our current times is discombobulated; meaning this energy can be confusing, disconcerting and often frustrating. Many simply feel all over the place – one moment is full of the most incredible bliss and the next moment comes uncertainty and anxiety. The lack of rhythm with this energy has made it a challenge to write about as it changes so quickly. I am going to do my best to summarize what is taking place.