~ LISA TRANSCENDENCE BROWN ~

vrijdag 24 maart 2017

LENTE-EQUINOX 2017 22 maart 2017 / Door Fran Tielemans

22 maart 2017 / Door Fran Tielemans
De lente start met deze 22/4-week in een 22/4-maand, en dat belooft de nodige beweging. De Lente-equinox is altijd een vrij belangrijk markeerpunt in het spiritueel jaar, maar de combinatie met de dubbele 22/4 en de 10/1-jaartrilling maakt dit een van de belangrijkste Lente-equinoxen van de voorbije jaren.

zaterdag 18 maart 2017


Journey of a Thousand Deaths – Letting Go

by : Jenny

It has been said before that it is like we die a thousand deaths on this journey. This is one of the truest things I’ve heard. It matters not where you are on this path, because once you step foot on it consciously or unconsciously, parts of you begin to die. We leave behind all the bits and pieces of who we thought we were, the identities that we took on or were put on us, the parts of us and the people that do not resonate with whom we are becoming. These come off in layers, because I’m not so sure we could handle the truth of our being all at once.  Sometimes the letting go is done forcefully as if the universe (you) is conspiring against you and other times the layer is so deep that your full participation is required. It has to be conscious letting go, deliberate stepping into the new.


“O divine sweet pain
I was blind
And did not see
That you are my friend
Not my enemy”

Can  you imagine
Love hiding in Pain?
Your undivided devotion to me
Touches my heart
You never let go
Even though I treat you so bad,
You stay put!
And believe me…
How I have been creative
In trying to get rid of you J
Escaping, ignoring, hiding…
Resisting you with frustration...
I felt blocked by you,
And even though I tried
To heal the wound beneath
You are still here with me
You've learned me so many things:
Grow up, listen, change course,
Letting go...
But even though I learned and healed
You are still here with me
You even expanded and intensified

and then…
something happened
It came to me very clearly!
I was doing all these things
From one motive only.
Even though I have denied doing so…
Thinking I already had mastered this lesson
But actually was being fooled by my mind:

I just wanted you to GO AWAY!

So attached to my actions
Of healing and so-called accepting,
was the wish that you would go away
I acted in order to have this gain!
Also known as: manipulation!
For a long time I hoped
That when waking up from my night's rest
You would have vanished in thin air J
Well…thát never happened ;-)
For all good reason…
I had not learned the essential lesson of it all:
I acted from the wrong motive

As Love is my core motivation
of everything I feel and do,
Why not Pain?

So forgive me my Friend
I know now that I have treated you badly
I will embrace you from Love
And ask you to guide me along
As the teacher you always have been
As a part of me


woensdag 8 maart 2017


De Energie van Maart
28 februari 2017 / Door Fran Tielemans

Had je de voorbije maanden het gevoel van afgeremd te worden, van frustratie en slepende kwesties? Dan was dat zo opdat je heel klaar en helder in de 10/1-enerige van dit jaar zou kunnen stappen. Deze energie vraagt immers om, vooraleer verandering in te voeren, eerst heel goed jezelf te observeren, in je eigen energie te gaan staan en contact te maken met je hoogste waarachtigheid. Om heel eerlijk naar jezelf te kijken en je af te vragen wat je voor jezelf de komende jaren wil, wat jouw hoogste doelen zijn, welke facetten veel meer mogen gaan belicht worden en gaan leven, en hoe je dat best gaat waarmaken.


Connecting to the New Grid

I wanted to share with you an experience that I had recently in the hopes that it shines a light on what is taking place for some of us. I say some of us, because we are all at different stages and if this does not feel that it pertains to you in this moment, you may find that it will in the future.  I asked my team if it were appropriate to share this experience and was told yes, that it helps to open the door of possibility for others. Every day it is becoming clearer that the only thing that limits us is our ability or inability to see the possibilities.